I've been playing a lot of games lately and I've noticed one thing consistently: a fecth quest is a fetch quest is a fetch quest. Someone gives you a goal and sends you from point A to B to pick up or deliversomething or to kill something/someone. Either way the end result is the same. You leave out from point A and travel to point B to get, drop off, or kill and then (most of the time) return to point A with the news of completion for your reward. And I can say that while it may deliver purpose to your actions (although not always consistently logical or relevant) it can get really old and boring pretty quickly.
When the only thing that changes is the person you're reporting to and the object your acquiring/delivering, especially if you have to constantly retread the same ground, boredom can set in no matter how enjoyable the gameplay may be. I've been recently playing Dead Island, Deus Ex Human Revolution, and Rage.You could argue correctly that these games have a lot in common when it comes to core game mechanics. They each do some things better than others. Rage is by far a better shooter than the other two. Deus Ex has more immersive story and characters. Dead Island has better melee combat and zombies... okay so it's the only game of the three that has zombies.
In the end these three games come down to the same element in both the story campaign and the sidequests: It's all about going from point A to point B and getting something, dropping something off, or killing something/someone. Is this just lack of imagination on the developers part or merely a sign of all that this type of game has to offer? They may all have different stories, characters, control schemes and art designs but in the end you can't help but shake that "I've done this already," feeling when playing them. Am I just getting that bored with gaming or have developers just stopped trying to do things different?