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TMI Ruins the Game

I love finding out everything I can get my hands on abouta game that I'm excited about. I have poor impulse control when I see that their is a new trailer, developer diary, screenshot, gameplay video, interview, or tid bit about a game on my wish list. But sometimes in their effort to promote their latest offering game developers can give out too much information. I want to find out all I can but at the same time I want to be surprised when I actually get to play the game.

If you give me all the details and let me see too much before the game even hits store shelves then what is left for me to discover when I sit down with my copy? What surprises and twists to the story can I expect? Unless they've been lying to us all along about what we can expect... That big scare they want to throw out when you turn that corner... not so scary when I've seen it in every game trailer and gameplay video released. That plot twist that was supposed to be the big game changer... not so shocking when I already pieced it together from watching all the interviews and developer diaries.

It's like watching a movie trailer for a Jason Statham movie (nothing against him, I actually usually like his movies). By the end of the 3 minute trailer you've pretty much seen the highlights of the film. The other hour and thirty minutes is just the filler between all those big scenes they tossed around in the trailer. So developers: keep something in reserve. Don't overkill with information just to try and attract a new audience. I still want to actually play the game and feel like it's the first time I've seen it.