If you're going to take the time to write a blog the least you could do is hit the spell check once in a while. Some of these attempts at writing I've seen of late are almost illegible. If I can't understand the point you're trying to make because of a litany of spelling mistakes, poor grammar, leet speak, and acronyms that I'm not familiar with then you're wasting your time typing it up. Punctuation is important too. A sentence is supposed to end somewhere.
Don't over use emoticons and symbols in place of letters because it just makes your writing cluttered. Stay consistent with your font type and size because it makes it really hard to keep a sentence flowing when you keep losing your place due to giant font types in the middle of a row. And most of all, get to the point. Don't try and tell me your life story unless it's important to what you're trying to say. There is nothing worse than reading paragraphs of drivel about your cat or your trip to the mall when what you're really trying to say is something about a game you played last week.
I hate to say it because it makes me sound like an English teacher or something but cell phones and the Internet are killing the English language. There is a reason why language is taught so continuously throughout grade school and even into college. You're supposed to learn how to communicate with others. If you rely too much on the technology to do it for you then you lose the ability to do a good job of it. And if you're trying to actually communicate an idea to people, particularly people you don't actually know then things like text language are somewhat inexcusable. It also doesn't hurt to take a few minutes to get your thoughts together before putting them down. And for the love of all that is holy please go back and proofread before you post.
End of rant.