In case of Fable 2 it stopped the game from crashing.
I thought it might cut the loading time of Oblivion when installing the game on my harddisk, but that didn't happen unfortunately.
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In case of Fable 2 it stopped the game from crashing.
I thought it might cut the loading time of Oblivion when installing the game on my harddisk, but that didn't happen unfortunately.
When I end up fighting my man, over things that are surely not worth fighting for. There is always one of us two who will apologize for getting angry. After that, major talking, and after that, everything is alright.
Just apologize and tell her why you got angry. Explain to her why you feel uncomfortable going to that party and that you feel uncomfortable when she is asking your (and her) friend out. Don't be stubborn, you'll only make things worse. Sometimes you have to make comprimises, in order to keep both sides happy.
[QUOTE="enfantprodigue"]They should've let Hitler into artschool, then maybe we would've known him for the paintings he had created, instead of the holocaust.
Perhaps he would've painted his vision of the holocaust and gotten praise for it?
Maybe so... the paintings he made were all (peacefull) sceneries. (As far as I have seen.) I guess if he had painted such thing, he might have done it to get into art school. Since his paintings were way out of time. Modern art was developing greatly, when Hitler took his exams.
They should've let Hitler into artschool, then maybe we would've known him for the paintings he had created, instead of the holocaust.
[QUOTE="enfantprodigue"][QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"] Don't forget the forced famines.QuantumNihilism
I didn't forgot that, Stalin wanted to silence the people who might oppose him. Ukraine wanted independence from his rule.
They both are terrifying leaders, though Hitler seems more idealistic and less rational then Stalin does.
Less rational?!!
Germany got the shaft after World War I, having to admit unconditional surrender and blame for the war and pay back ALL war damages for ALL countries involved, which sent it into one of the worst economic crises and hyperinflation rates in modern, if not, world history.
It should be NO SURPRISE a leader like Hitler rose, given the horrendous circumstances.
Please, do notice seems I placed in there. I did not say, it is so.
EDIT: Maybe I should not say this, but I have read Hitler's book. That's why I was referring to 'seems more idealistic and less rational'.
[QUOTE="enfantprodigue"]Stalin for instance build workcamps in the coldest regions to develop Russia's economy. People there died of cold and were complete worn out by working there all days, even when it was deadly freezing out there. (Stalin is now (almost) considered a hero in Russia.)Cherokee_JackDon't forget the forced famines.
Stalin wanted to silence the people who might oppose him. Ukraine wanted independence from his rule, while Stalin asked full obedience from 'his' people.
They both are terrifying leaders, though Hitler seems more idealistic and less rational then Stalin does.
It makes no sense to ask yourself who's more evil.
They both had different motives.
Stalin for instance build workcamps in the coldest regions to develop Russia's economy. People there died of cold and were complete worn out by working there all days, even when it was deadly freezing out there. (Stalin is now (almost) considered a hero in Russia.)
Hitler wanted a true sophisticated race, there his book explains why jews, gypsy's etc. were not equilavent to the so called Aryan people. Stalin had not such ideals, but he merely wanted to silence everyone who could oppose him.
There you have it, you can't compare apples with pears or such.
Hmmmm, the games I saw were the kind of silly games I do not want (Like coloring an existing painting and unlock some colours and features). So I guess some day, in the future, they come up with something paint alike.
Thanks for answering, both of you. Stick with Ms. next time, that would be more accurate. ;)
Everyone is getting fired up about this issue, I don't know why btw. It's not strange that you find these game prices too high. Though I do not feel guilty about the (expensive) games I've purchased. Just make up your mind. Save a little money extra, if needed. Choices are to be made in life, that goes for purchasing games as well.
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