"barbie goes to school", fo sho. and also half-life. having half life 2, ep 1, and ep 2, i can tell you that it's a great game. but does it really deserve all that fame?
being a gamespot forum, people are probably going to lean towards uncharted 2, me included. Why? because ou can torrent the rest, if you're canadian =D
Hey guys, still new to the video game music scene! I`m open to recommendations on stellar(and i mean STELLAR) video game music, some being: Metal Gear Solid 3 Theme Song Trunks` Stage Theme (remix) - dragonball gt final bout you can check out the first song on youtube, and the second song on http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/index-af.html under dragonball gt final bout, ss trunks`stage (remix) domo arigato mr. roboto~
i like the accoustic + pure voice combo (as opposed to the more culturally acceptable crap) so songs by kina grannis, katie melua, zee avi, and jck johnson. oh, and city and colour.
itunes is especially annoying for those of us who listen to lots of classical music. when you upload it into itunes, there's a lot of weird labelling that goes on. some pieces have different "artists" though all played by the same orchestra. so you need to go back and manually change everything until you stop caring.
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