Campaign/single Player Rating:9.0/10
Great Campaign. it doesnt get boring. the only reason i started playing Xbox Live more is because it got to easy. its a campaign with a short-long gameplay duration depending on what difficulty they are recruit some other 1 which is probably normal, Hardened which is pretty hard and Veteran which is insane.
Xbox Live Rating:10/10
Awesome. it is deffenitley the best game i have ever played in Xbox live...yep thats right better than halo 3. everyone on there is nice it is really fun also the rank system on it is really cool because u get ur weapons by ranking up and in the create a class screen there are so many things to pick no 2 people have the same stuff. if u were thinking about buying xbox livw and u have this game dont even think about it....just go and get it.
bugs/glitchs rating:if 10 is none at all 8.0/10
not many at all there are a few around the place but none u cant avoid easily and get out of there just ones like go into a wall go out of wall so this game is very good in that way aswell.
Overall Rating:9.5/10
really fun awesome Xbox Live not many bugs and glitches and fantastic campaign. id buy it.
Overall Summary
buy it? yes
buy Xbox Liove for it? youd have to be bloody crazy not to
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