Playstation 3 beats Xbox 360in eveything and the only game that looks good on Xbox is gears of war thats it and whoever says pS3 GAMES SUCK SHOULD just stop playing video games in the luanch 4 Xbox 360 the games looked like Xbox1 games just in HD. PLAYSTATION 3 IS THE BEST SYSTEM OUT 4 NEXT GEN.
Next friday the real next gen system comes out cant wait 4 PS3 check out they have a review 4 Resistance: Fall of Man it looks so cool. PLAYSTATION 3 IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My cuz has a 360 i thougth i was playing Xbox1. Wii i feel like a dee dee dee!!!!! when u play it. IM TIRED OF ALL YOU 360 FAN SAYING HOW BAD PS3 IS IF ITS SO BAD THEN STOP COMMENTING ALL YOUR COMMENTS ON THE PS3. I will never buy a system that can burn my house down. With that said next gen starts next friday people are waiting on line 4 Ps3 cant wait to get mines games look so cool on it. but beside games ill be downloading things to my psp. PLAYSTATION 3 RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLAYSTATION 3 IS THE BEST GAME SYSTEM EVER!!!!!!!!!!!. Xbox 360 is trying to copy from PS3 just to try to sell more in japan and over here in U.S. Wii is ok but im upset that the games look like the gamecube.Me im ready 4 PS3 cant wait next friday. P.S i love gears of war but im not buying one game for a crapy system that can catch on fire
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