Yes, I'm talking about the hugely anticipated, but sort of flawed video game from 2010. And yes, while it wasn't very good, there was one moment in a certain mission that stood out to me as one of the most epic, nerve-recking moments I have experienced in any video game yet.
I was in the desert with some members from my squad. I forgot whatever the hell I was doing, because that didn't bother me much it seems. We stumbled across an old, ragged little house that appeared to have seen better days. I think we inspected it, I can't quite recall what we were doing exactly. Then, while we were speaking to each other, all of a sudden an RPG-missile tore apart one of the building's side, and we all quickly hit the deck. It was obvious to me that some Taliban member had been watching us. "Annnnd yep, here we go. Action kicks in again." I said to myself, yawning. Suddenly, hordes of people came down the cliffs, mindlessly storming at us like ants swarming on their prey.
"Holy sh*t, it's a trap! Open fire!!" One of my squad members yelled.
This was when my jaw dropped, realising these were impossible odds. My ammo seemed endless, but slowly it depleted. Little by little. "My ammo's getting low! Do you have some!?" I heard one of my squadmates say. I was starting to run low too. I tried asking my squad for some ammo, the answer:
"I haven't got Jack sh*t!!"
My bladder told me to go to the bathroom at that moment. Not out of automatism, but out of pure adrenaline. Even fear. This was intense... Here we were, the little house (our only cover) starting to collapse, fighting off a seemingly endless wave of Taliban, with our ammo running towards its end, crying for our mommies. I heard the following:
"That's it, we are out of ammo!"
"NO! F*CK YOU!! WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT I TELL YOU!!" Me screaming with tears running down my cheeks, almost wrecking my Xbox controller by smashing the fire button.
That was it. My ammo was gone. I was waiting for the Taliban to storm the wrecked house, killing all three of us. Seconds later, Flapping rotor blades were heard. Two friendly birds appeared from behind the mountains, launching heat-seeking missiles. The Taliban retreated in cowardice. It was then when I heard my squadmates cheering from joy, and crying from relief. This was when I dropped the controller, and let out a huge sigh. This had been one of the most thrilling, nerve-racking video game moments in my life.
And then I had to clear my couch from urine. Not a pretty job.