The summer season is usually my time to unwind a little. It's a veritable wasteland of reality TV with a few choice cable network gems. There are some exceptions, of course, and I'll be taking a lot of time to catch up on DVD viewing and my Netflix queue! Here's what I'll be watching and covering this summer, review-wise (in CAPS), and the day the reviews should be posted (in parenthesis).
Kyle XY (Season 2)
I'm watching the first season now, and it's fun. I can't see myself wanting to review it, though. I'd rather just take this and enjoy it.
Eureka (Season 2)
Ditto what I said above.
GHOST HUNTERS (Season 3, Thursdays)
Destination: Truth (Season 1)
Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (Season 2)
Rescue Me (Season Whatever)
"Ghost Hunters" is a given, and I'll enjoy having a little more time to explore my thoughts on the episodes. "Destination: Truth" looks like good brain candy. "Superhero" was a hoot the first time around, and I hope they keep it fun. The spousal unit like "Rescue Me", so why not? She's also going to make me sit through "Grey's Anatomy" DVDs…
STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP (Burnoff, Fridays)
Pirate Master (Season 1)
Yep, burn-off time. Supposedly Sorkin was smart enough to give the series an ending, so I'm going to reserve my judgments on the series as a whole until I can see that for myself. On the complete other end of the spectrum…dude, pirates!
STARGATE SG-1 (Season 10, Wednesdays)
STARGATE: ATLANTIS (Season 3, Wednesdays)
Doctor Who (Season 3)
Psych (Season 2)
Flash Gordon (Season 1)
Time to finish out the "Stargate" shows, which gives me time to consider the finales properly. "Doctor Who" and "Psych" are always worth the time, and represent good TiVo fare. And despite my best instincts, I'm deeply intrigued by "Flash Gordon". Probably not enough to review it, but I'm intrigued!
Hex (Season 2)
I loved what I saw of the first season (British and sexy!), so once I catch up on the DVDs, I look forward to watching the second season. I'll be waaaay behind on the US broadcast, but that's what TiVo is for!
THE 4400 (Season 4, Mondays)
THE DEAD ZONE (Season 6, Tuesdays)
The Sopranos (Season 6)
This are the big guns, the two shows other than "Stargate" that keep me busy over the summer. I'm excited to see where each show goes after vastly different results last season. "4400" has high praise to live up to, and "Dead Zone" has the chance (first time in years) to revamp itself into a new and better incarnation. Once "The Sopranos" is done, it's goodbye to HBO for me. It's far cheaper to wait for the DVDs and go with Netflix.
I have to wonder…what happened to "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"? Or "Rockstar"? Or even "Big Brother"?
So, this is a fairly light schedule (6 shows), and much of it is only around until the end of June. Clearly, the headliners are "4400" and "Dead Zone"; they last the entire short season. And the first couple weeks will be dominated by my seasonal post-mortem on each show, especially the cancelled ones. I have to revamp the website a bit and make it look a little better. But most of all, I intend to relax and enjoy myself. There's at least a week of vacation in there somewhere!
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