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In touch with the genius within

It´s almost a tradition since my 22nd birthday that i strart feeling uncomfortable when i´m days from my next birthday, and this time it didn´t seem it would be any diffrent. But there are a few things that make me be a little more optimistic. I´ll explain:

Probably it´s not gonna happen anything particulary remarkable, i mean, nothing happened last year the sixth day o the sixth month. And it´s more a superstitious kind of thing, but i like to think that next saturday will be a particulary lucky birthday for me,

Almost a month ago, i apllied for a pedagogy school. After 4 years without -really- studying anything, and considering the fact that they´d only take 30 students from almost 200 of us that applied for that school, evidentlyi should have taken more seriously this situation, and i should have studied more for the selection test. But in part thanks to my intellygence, and a great deal of luck, not only did i got selected, but i got the highest note on that exam!! ... so even if it is equivalent to economic suicide since i´m not going to be able to work, i´m feeling happy.

There is more. It´s been over a month since myPS2 has been failing to read any kind of disc and i mean any kind of disc, including those laser cleaning ones. It was indeed a problem,and even if the guarantee wass still valid, it´d be more expensive to take the console to the shop where we got it (the store is in the US, and I live in Mexico), than buying an all new PS2.So the last happy thing happened about an hour ago. I figured it was caused because of accumulated dust inside, so i decided it could´n be any worse if i triedand fix the console myself, and incredibly (remember i get stupidity-episodes on thursdays), it worked!!

As i´m typing this, my younger sister is playing some DDR game. Now you´ll understand why i chose the title for this post. It seems i´ll have a good vacation while this genius phase lasts. So i hope you guys have a good time too. I´ll try to keep you updated on the next brilliant thing i do 8). See you around.

And after a long absense... not much to say, really

It´s been a while since the last time i posted anything. To date, several things happened. i was assigned one more class to teach for a three month period, which ended about three or four weeks ago; i got myself a little property and in a couple of months it will be legally mine; my little sister gave me a Thundercats button and a couple stickers for my dear old car (maybe some day i´ll post a photo of it, but i´ll have to wash it first :P); i stopped watching 24 on Fox 6 San Diego because it was frustrating not getting a decent tv signal to watch it properly; and finally i applied for a pedagogy school so if everything goes well, i´ll become a student again.

Anyways, today i finished my classes and tomorrow i´ll say goodbye to my students, of course it was nice to work with them, but i´m really happy that i won´t have to worry much about work for a while. So it seems i´ll have a little more time to spend here on gamespot. Hope i´ll see you around.;)

But it wasnt thursday!!! :?

Lately, i´ve been feeling afraid of going out every thursday, because there always happens something weird, and i always get confused, or forget something. Example: last time i forgot my car keys inside my locked car, fortunately, it wasn´t the first time i had that happen to me, so i knew what to do this time, the same thing i did the first time: i borrowed other car´s keys (it happens that one of my fellows at work has a car like mine, only a year older and blue, not green, anyway i asked him to borrow his keys, and it not only worked for opening the car, but it also was good to start it).

Stuff like that is what happens to me on thursdays, some other time i´ll tell you another... adventure. But it wasn´t last thursday when the must-happen-weird-thing occurred, it was last friday, when i got prommoted to the rank of Leader of the Chronno Union!! So it seems i won´t be demoted in a similar way i got promoted to officer.

If i can draw any conclusion with all this is that my luck will be getting weirder in days to come. (twilight zone music, please). :?

Minus World

It seems level 16 was pretty fast to complete, if im not mistaken, it took me about 3 days and i almost didnt do a thing. And i also got promoted on the Chrono Union for no reason at all (which means i also can be demoted at any moment) but, once more, i´m happy.

Lost Union

This a rather old new, but i couldn´t post it sooner. Here it goes anyway: about three weeks ago, i found out that one of the unions i´m a member of, was apparently erased from Gamespot. I noticed it when i clicked to check my unions and it was missing.

The union i speak of, is the Union Latina de Videojugadores (latin gamers union). Just like that, it disappeared, along whit my contributions to such union. I kind of understand why it happened, ´cause a lot of my fellow members were starting to get a little "racist".so maybe that  is why it was disbanded because they didn´t want to give the problem a chance to get bigger; even though not all the union members showed that kind of behavior.

It´s a pity. I liked to hang around in that union, it was always good to be able to post BS in spanish... Requiescat In Pace ULDV.

Original Zelda

Today, my parents took my younger brother along to go shopping stuff, and they went to the swap-meet. So when they came back, my brother told me he bought the original zelda game for the NES for less than a buck.

Now it´s time to try the game and see if it works. I´d do it, but i´m too lazy to look for the console and making all the connecting and disconnecting. But maybe when the next weekend comes i´ll have "Experience(d) the challenge of endless adventure".

x = 1*10^3

Para cuando alguien se digne a leer esto, ya habre alcanzado los mil posts! Deseo compartir mi alegria con todos ustedes y celebrar haber logrado escribir mil idioteces! MUCHAS GRACIAS!

For those who didn´t get this: I´m so very happy, because i´ve reached a thousand posts, a thousand times of writing nonsense, i´ll admit, but it steel feels good! THANKS MUCH!

private school

I was asked by a friend of mine to tell what my new job was about, so if for some reason you´re intrested in knowing that, and you dnt have anything better to do with your time, here it goes:

First of all i actually didn´t want to talk about it, cause then i´d have to reveal that i´m... i´m... an adult (and that at least i sould act like one), but what the hell: i´m 25 years old!!!

Now, about the job: i´m a teacher, and i started working this week in a private school (teaching Chemistry an Biology in jr high school) and it seems i´ll enjoy working there. :)

So there you have it. It´s not actually intresting, but sitll  you read this already, mwahahahaha!!!! 

Newest job

Now i have another new job, i´ll have to quit the last (new) job, and i´m more confident that i´ll do better now,  because that last job wasn´t for me anyway, at least because of the circumstances. So now i have less time to spend here and i´m more likely to be demoted in a couple of unions, but still... i´m happy.

Vacation time over :(

Tomorrow i´ll start on a new job, i hope i´ll like it. So my vacation time is over, but i understand you can´t be lazy all the time...

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