This a rather old new, but i couldn´t post it sooner. Here it goes anyway: about three weeks ago, i found out that one of the unions i´m a member of, was apparently erased from Gamespot. I noticed it when i clicked to check my unions and it was missing.
The union i speak of, is the Union Latina de Videojugadores (latin gamers union). Just like that, it disappeared, along whit my contributions to such union. I kind of understand why it happened, ´cause a lot of my fellow members were starting to get a little "racist".so maybe that is why it was disbanded because they didn´t want to give the problem a chance to get bigger; even though not all the union members showed that kind of behavior.
It´s a pity. I liked to hang around in that union, it was always good to be able to post BS in spanish... Requiescat In Pace ULDV.