@pavloviangw: Blood Omen 2 and Gex 3D were before Dead Space, not after. Please, learn to read. Nice try at a 'gotcha' but you have only shown that you aren't capable of even basic comprehension.
They also weren't very good.
"The Calysto Protocol flopped, absolutely. But when you see an acclaimed film director in a headline, you don’t see, for example, “‘Aliens III’ director David Fincher…” because Aliens III is objectively terrible. You see, “‘The Social Network’ (or Fight Club or Zodiac) director David Fincher…” because those are his best-reviewed and best-received movies."
Yeah, that's my point, most of his work has been pretty awful.
And again, HE WAS NOT DIRECTOR NOR CREATOR. He was the producer. Please learn what that means before defending him. You are defending a corporate suit for some reason. You should be ashamed. You won't be, but you should.
How many Space Credits did he pay you to avoid titling him "Callisto Protocol Director"?
Just a reminder that he wasn't a director, writer, designer, or developer on Dead Space, he was a producer from EA and did little more than fund the thing and think of some inspiration for director Condrey to base the game on.
After Dead Space, the first game he had actual direct influence on was Godfather II. A movie game so bad it cancelled the sequel's adaptation.
Then he was back to a "producer" position for Call of Duty MW3, Advanced Warfare, and WWII, all pretty contentious in the CoD community.
He finally got direct dev control again for a PUBG spinoff that was quietly cancelled
Then Callisto Protocol.
Stop giving him credit for Dead Space. He did not contribute a lot to that game, and the fact that the highlights of his career after that were just mediocre Call of Duty entries reinforces that.
That number would be a lot smaller if a lot of essential stuff wasn't just in accessibility settings.
Motion Blur? Me turning off a setting that should never be on by default isn't an accessibility thing, it's a "You are hiding your framerate imperfections with an annoying filter effect" thing.
I hate how linear is the "traditional" Zelda while the first 2 games were practically open-world and the third one still had a ton of its memorable secrets and unlockables hidden off the beaten path
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