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The superb story telling of Uncharted!

Uncharted has always been known for its great gameplay, cinematics, top flight action, and engaging character performances... BUT here is why Uncharted 2 also has some of the best story telling techniques ive ever seen in video games! When you first arrived at the village after being rescused from near death, Remember how you had woken up, and were now walking along Tenzon, while seeing the villagers just going about their lifes? You were left wondering where you were just as much as Drake was. This beautiful mysterious place. I was intrigued. Every body was just happy, kids were playing, and people laughing ect. It was a great sequence, albiet it was for a little amount of time But that sequence got you to start caring about the village and its villagers, and it occured all during gameplay It was a story telling device specific to gaming being used by Naughty Dog. Here it is: Also look how you have freedom to explore. You could walk around and take the beautiful sights in. You could interact with most of all the villagers you came across too, even the animals lol. That further immersed and drew you in into this world. Tenzon takes you to Shaffer and he tells you to investigate the ice caves with Tenzon to uncover the truth about the chintamonte stone etc The relationship you build up with Tenzon IN GAMEPLAY during the ice cave level was pretty amazing... And then it happens, Upon your return from the ice caves, it happens...what Drake and Elena feared ..... The Village is ransacked and pillaged!!! (By the way, the ice cave level was a gigantic and very atmospheric level with out of this world platforming on giant mechanisms. It was badass. Im sure the begining of the level will be in the vid above. Continue watching the playthrough to see the ice cave level either way) You now see the village destroyed and in ruin. The people you were interacting with before in total distress now. I felt real emotion because of my walk across the village before all of that had happened. It was subtle but powerful. Such great story telling techniques used by Naughty Dog. Then you have these epic shootouts spanning accross the ransacked village. The villagers are fighting along side you trying to protect their village etc. Not going to lie, it was a little heart warming lol You then start battling a tank in the middle of it all too! Truly EPIC. The whole village seige level was FRIGGEN EPIC beyond belief. The way Naughty Dog used story-telling devices to set it up, and give the gameplay so much more meaning was just phenomenal. And the gameplay itself was awesome too. (Level design was so good in the way traversal + gun play was encouraged, and in how you could take different routes to flank enemies or how you could always take the high grounds for that advantage etc. I will post a video to show you this in a little bit. Hang tight:)) But yeah everything was brilliant! Naughty Dog really is operating on another level of creativity, story telling, and video game development. NO other developer can touch Naughty Dog in any area of game design. All they can do is attempt to copy Naughty Dog, like they attempted to copy Uncharted, but of course to no avil ... Now here is the begining of the awesome seige level: (Feel free to keep watching all the parts) Really look at how stunning the level design is. Once the player makes it to open space, look at how you can either climb up the side to the left, flank the gunner, and take the high ground on the enemies below... OR how you can go to the right and tackle the enemies from inside the hut while having cover etc The player here decides to go right, but you can find other videos with the player going to the left and taking the high grounds for an advantage. Like ive been saying, MANY levels in Uncharted 2 give you the option in how you want to tackle enemies, And the stunning level design really encourages the use of traversal during gun play - to take out enemies from high ground etc Uncharted has the BEST pure gameplay (and enemy encounters) of any 3rd person shooter out there - due to the options you have and the traversal aspects which interweave flawlessly into gunplay etc etc etc A game like Gears of War has such barebones and restrictrive gameplay in comparison to Uncharted's gameplay. Gameplay in Gears really is laughable compared to the superior gameplay in Uncharted. Anyway, back on topic now! It was all such a well built sequence of events in Uncharted 2: To summarize: From the peacful stroll across the village, seeming almost mysterious and mystical, to the ice caves, which envoked the same feelings, and then coming back and seeing the village destroyed. It was like wow. Then the epic shoot outs that ensued there after etc Just amazing all around.... And the best use of story telling i have seen yet in video games too. Very innovative video game story-telling techniques from Naughty Dog displayed. It was all done and fleshed out through gameplay too, which is even more impressive. Naughty Dog is like a PRIME Manny Pacman, while all the other unorginal developers of this industry are like a bunch of Ricky Hattons to Naughty Dog. Uncharted 2 really was a GROUND breaking game on so many levels; All the way from the smooth, varied, and great gameplay, to the superb story telling, to the cinematics, to the action, to the great acting etc The way it all came togther too etc Uncharted 2 WAS revolutionary and like i have already mentioned, Uncharted 2 revolutionized this gen. The only 3rd person action shooter game that can even match Uncharted 2 is Uncharted 3, and Naughty Dog created Uncharted 3 too lol

More musings about Uncharted!

There were so many awesome moments I loved in Uncharted 2 I could go on & on and end up making a top 30 Uncharted 2 gameplay moments list without breaking a sweat lol! Yep, Uncharted 2 had that many great moments! Naughty Dog managed to do the impossible with Uncharted 3. Uncharted 3 has even more awesome moments then Uncharted 2. Uncharted 2 was literally amazing from begining to end though-just like Uncharted 3 was. Ive beaten Unchated 2 & 3 each three times now, and I loved every second of every playthrough. I cant get enough of Uncharted in fact! Man, I want an Uncharted 4 for the PS4 so badly. I want it so bad it hurts hahaha:) Also for those wondering, I will talk about the greateness of Uncharted 3 later. So stay tuned! What i do what to talk about now is how Uncharted 2 also has some of the best story telling techniques ive ever seen in games. One part in particular! Let us now begin! p.s I hope you enjoyed my 3 part series about Uncharted and will enjoy this next piece. *to be continued*

Why Uncharted has the best gameplay of any TP shooter out there *final part*

Now here is a video of that same train level in Uncharted 2, But this time the player goes for the stealth approach a lot more aggresively! Watch the 2 videos, then compare! Look at how awesome that gameplay is as a whole! I.e how you can play levels like this in Uncharted how ever way you want to i.e go stealth or guns blazing, staw low or go vertical to get the high ground at any time etc All this while there is an unrivalled cinematic flare! You are also platforming on this moving train through out too! Uncharted 2 was revolutionary and set the standard that all these developers have been since trying to reach, but cant, and ultimately cant come within a fraction of Naughty Dog's patented Uncharted gameplay formula Uncharted 2 and even more so Uncharted 3 are criminally under rated on forums. Its not even funny, its just wrong the amount of vitriol Uncharted gets on forums. Who else agrees with what i have been saying? Who else has never understood all of the crazy hate and out right bullish "criticisms" or more appropriately lies about the gameplay in Uncharted? Uncharted games have the best LEVELS of this gen, THE BEST gun battles of this gun, The BEST set piece action of this gen, And as a shooter it has some of the smoothest, most diverse, fun gameplay segments of most shooters out there. The stories are also very well told and give a lot more meaning to its gameplay. Uncharted is an unmatched experience! Lemmings are trying to damage control for the fact that THEY HAVE nothing on the 360 that comes close to Uncharted's greatness Thats why Uncharted gets forum hate. Its just a vocal minority of crazies doing the hating either way. Normal people, and real gamers know how awesome the gameplay is in Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 2 and in Uncharted 1

Why Uncharted has the best gameplay of any TP shooter out there *part 2*

Exibit 2: That train level is one of the BEST levels i have ever played in gaming, along with the shipyard/pirate level In Uncharted 3, which i will talk about later! Re: this train level in Uncharted 2: \/ [Quote="epicgameplayer"]You are on a dynamic moving and rendered train The animations calculate according to the train's movements, and it actually effects gameplay! It makes steady aiming more difficult, not frustratingly impossible but just a little more difficult (great blanace by Naughty Dog) SO you have to be smart and aim when the train is steady, And it also means you have to time your jumps from one train car to the next accordingly as the train turns a corner!

Little touches that make HUGE differences [Quote="epicgameplayer"]There are even multi-levels to the train! You can stay low or at any point you can climb up to the top of the train to get the drop on enemies! You can even sneak up and suprise enemies or you can go all rambo through out! You play that level in Uncharted how ever way you want. The segment introduced gun play and platforming or traversal flawlessly as one too. (That is when Uncharted is at its best and is making the "gameplay" in other third person games look like boring garbage by comparison) The train level is one of the best levels of any third person shooter I have ever played (the shipyard level in Uncharted 3 being one of them too) The train level even flawlessly tranistions to the next segment of the game in real time and during gameplay That was just incredible

So anyway, That train sequence contains 100% of legitimate, but more importantly awesome gameplay, and it manages that while having an unrivaled cinematic flare! That IS HOW YOU DO cinematic GAMPLAY! Naughty Dog perfected the formula. Other developers have been trying to copy Naughty Dog's Uncharted gameplay formula, but can not even manage to touch it Naughty Dog with Uncharted revolutionized this kind of gameplay that you see developers now trying to copy from, but of course to NO avail All things considered, Uncharted 2 really was a ground breaking game! Its a shame Naughty Dog doesnt get more respect on forums for what they created with Uncharted! Uncharted is a special series(all the games have been great) and Uncharted especially revolutionized this gen! You cant say the same about any 360 games lol Uncharted IS the most GAMEY of all the cinematic games too. Other cinematic games try to copy Uncharted, but they forget the GAME play focus that Uncharted has always had, While they never are able to strike the perfect gameplay balance that Naughty Dog strikes with Uncharted, let alone, while never even coming close to the cinematics or gameplay scenarios of Uncharted to boot etc

Why Uncharted has the best gameplay of any TP shooter out there *part 1*

This will be a 3 part series, Im going to tell you why Uncharted has some of the best gameplay of any third person shooter out there, Unlike the Playstation/Uncharted haters, I will actually back up my claims with legitimate reasons! I present to you ladies and gentleman exhibit 1: Look at the way you can freely move upon the environment, from the ground or from atop vertically You can take the high ground at any time to get the drop on ememies Or you can sneak around and stealth kill Etc etc etc Now here is that same segment but played differently, By the way, look at how smooth and responsive everything is too. You can approach enemies how ever way you want to in levels like that, and in many other levels in Uncharted etc Uncharted has very sand box like gameplay in those instances. You can stay ground level or go atop vertically, stealth or go all out rambo in style. Uncharted has always had some of the best PURE gameplay of any TPS (especially part 2 and 3) Halo and Gears could never touch what Uncharted offers up in just that gameplay segment alone, Nor can Gears and Halo get within even a fraction of touching Uncharted's cinematic gameplay , presentation, and story elements etc But wait....... Apparently it was all just an elaborate illusion by Naughty Dog because random xbot trolls on the internet say Uncharted is a QTE movie, is on rails, and has "meh" gameplay So how is this even possible! Damn you Naughty Dog for tricking us into LOVING the gameplay in Uncharted! Bunch of level 100 wizards you are you Naughty Dog!