More musings about Uncharted!
by epicgameplayer on Comments
There were so many awesome moments I loved in Uncharted 2 I could go on & on and end up making a top 30 Uncharted 2 gameplay moments list without breaking a sweat lol! Yep, Uncharted 2 had that many great moments! Naughty Dog managed to do the impossible with Uncharted 3. Uncharted 3 has even more awesome moments then Uncharted 2. Uncharted 2 was literally amazing from begining to end though-just like Uncharted 3 was. Ive beaten Unchated 2 & 3 each three times now, and I loved every second of every playthrough. I cant get enough of Uncharted in fact! Man, I want an Uncharted 4 for the PS4 so badly. I want it so bad it hurts hahaha:) Also for those wondering, I will talk about the greateness of Uncharted 3 later. So stay tuned! What i do what to talk about now is how Uncharted 2 also has some of the best story telling techniques ive ever seen in games. One part in particular! Let us now begin! p.s I hope you enjoyed my 3 part series about Uncharted and will enjoy this next piece. *to be continued*