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Why Uncharted has the best gameplay of any TP shooter out there *part 1*

This will be a 3 part series, Im going to tell you why Uncharted has some of the best gameplay of any third person shooter out there, Unlike the Playstation/Uncharted haters, I will actually back up my claims with legitimate reasons! I present to you ladies and gentleman exhibit 1: Look at the way you can freely move upon the environment, from the ground or from atop vertically You can take the high ground at any time to get the drop on ememies Or you can sneak around and stealth kill Etc etc etc Now here is that same segment but played differently, By the way, look at how smooth and responsive everything is too. You can approach enemies how ever way you want to in levels like that, and in many other levels in Uncharted etc Uncharted has very sand box like gameplay in those instances. You can stay ground level or go atop vertically, stealth or go all out rambo in style. Uncharted has always had some of the best PURE gameplay of any TPS (especially part 2 and 3) Halo and Gears could never touch what Uncharted offers up in just that gameplay segment alone, Nor can Gears and Halo get within even a fraction of touching Uncharted's cinematic gameplay , presentation, and story elements etc But wait....... Apparently it was all just an elaborate illusion by Naughty Dog because random xbot trolls on the internet say Uncharted is a QTE movie, is on rails, and has "meh" gameplay So how is this even possible! Damn you Naughty Dog for tricking us into LOVING the gameplay in Uncharted! Bunch of level 100 wizards you are you Naughty Dog!