I use to be a rabid meat eater, chewing up steak and pork like I breath air, however I resently had the honor of watching a cow being clubed to death, then cut up and ground. I no longer eat meat.
I just resently started going to high school, I went in my usual, happy self, but I came out a depressed, confused mess. The ones I would normaly make fun of, those goth kids in the corner and on the stairwell, are no my only compainions, as my normal friends have all but abandoned me for being such a nerd. Girls wont talk to me, because they think im to girly. Guys wont talk to me, they they think im gay.The only ones who would accept me are the goths, over in the corner...
However, not all resent events are depressing as such. Im as in to gaming as ever, and I find a almost sick happiness from blowing up buildings in Mercs 2, and its even better with a friend. Yes, despite my physical friends leaving me, my XBL buddies are still here, all accepting, all friendly.
What was the point of this blog post? I dont know, I suppose it was to pour my soul into somthing others like my XBL friends would understand, and accept. I suppose it was to see if anyone else was a nice as the few friends I have left.
So my question to you is: Are you friendly to all around you? If no, why? I never knew why it was wrong to pick on those less fortunate than yourself, but its all clear now. So, if you would, treat your local goths/emos/general "weridos" to a friendly hello, even a conversation. It really does help. I know, because i want it so bad.
Thanks for reading, hope I did'nt bore you. Cya