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Random Game Ideas #1

so, ive decided im starting a series of "game ideas" blogs. basicly im going to post random ideas for games ive had and see peoples reactions. Its totaly not a goverment consprisy or anything _>

#1 - The Assassin

So basicly your a hitman and your job is to make money. Thats it. no fancy story or supernatural twists, just plenty of killing and cold hard cash. However is more complicated than this. The game would be VERY realistic, so your droped in a city (Paris seems ideal) with some cash, a cell phone, a pistol.. the usual stuff, and your tasked with killing someone. Well this is were it gets awesome (in my point of veiw). youve autully got to find your target in the city, take down notes, find out personal info, buy guns and/or other methods of killing the target, and kill him without getting arrested/caught. Now not only would this be great singleplayer, it would be awesome online as well.

It will be 2-4 player co-op and 2-10 player competitive. In co-op its (most likely) exatly what you whould expect: Killing your target with the help of 3 other buddys. However, the competitive side is completely different, and my personal favorite part. 4 Hitmen vs. 4 police men vs. The Mark. So youve got 1 huge city, a mark whos gotta hide and protect himself from hitmen, as well as 4 policemen, trying to hunt down the Hitmen. It would be endless fun, contatnly facing the suspence of being discovered or killed, and the thrill you would get running from the hitmen as the mark.....dear god I can hardly imagine it without smileing.

Well this is my first idea, ill continue my series next time i have an idea.