So basically for the average person this isn't worth it. With a students pay you work, lets say one week (so 40 hours of work) to make 400 dollars and the times a little bit... not worth it. Wait a year and SDD's are expect to be twice as fast as the ones today and have the same capacity for half the cost.
[quote] What an idiotic game. Was this coded by baboons? I enjoyed NWN1, and I'd like to try this, but I'm not quite sure. My system has a core 2 duo and an 8800 GTS, but why does this game run so poorly on high-end systems? Also, these graphics aren't even impressive. [/quote] The effort that these guys put forth is very noticeable. Any video game these days require a lot of people power in order to stay competitive with other games. You should be ashamed that you could call a video game programmer a baboon. I'm sure you don't have 10% of the educator that these programmers do. Maybe you could show everyone a demo of what you can do in DirectX??
Sangoanuta.. if you even bothered to read this article you would have seen that having 2gb of ram would do nothing. It would be better is you don't state BS.
eric-2-2-er's comments