eric2006bc's forum posts
im thinking of buying the game but i want to know if you can do 4 player splitcreen, (not talking about co-op, just normaly mulitplayer death match etc etc)
cheers guys :)
im considering getting a PS3 but is it reli worth the £400and aslo ive heard that alot of peoples PS3's have crashed and stuff. and also are the games all that?
It's not about the hardware, but the sheer complexity of the code that makes SPORE what it is........
A game like this is bound to have a craaaaaaaaapload of bugs, so any delays for further refinement/testing is a welcome thing, no one wants something like this to be shoved onto the shelf before it's ready for public consumption.
yh id agree id rather have it fixed up to the max then have lodsa bugs a crap but i was reli looking foward to this game i still am but ill just have to wait a little longer now
but i think they shpuld release a demo of what they have now because form teh looks of videos and stuff taht ive seen theyve got a whole loda content already that they should be able to release a demo of just a little taster for the public
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