crazy.. the newest nvidia drivers are forceware 163.92 or something but there is a different beta driver that specific to ut3 and the versions number is 169.28 and you can get it at nzone .com .. or just type forceware beta driver 169.28 in your browser to find it elsewhere.
Wow.. my problems have just been solved.. I downloaded the forceware beta driver 169.28 and i tripled my resolution and upped all the settigns and get no more crashes.. any who are having crashes or forced to use low settings i highly recommend downloading that driver.. its an absolute miracle . i was just about to throw in the towel on this game cus my computer sucks but that driver made the game very playable.
On the box it says the minimum video card is geforce 6200 wihich is what i have and i have a 3.2 ghz cpu and a gig of ram ..however .. i cant run this game unless i have every setting turned down and resolution at like 500-400 .. its crazy .. im wondering id theres soemthing i can do besides upgrade my motherbaord to have agp slot instead of just pci which is what is limiting me to the 6200..of course money limits me too which is why i havent upgraded...anyone else have a system like mine and not having this problem or is this just the way it is?
I was a pc gamer for a while but now its just not worth it to keep your pc upgraded enough to run games at a high quality level. I do feel ill have a hard time getting used to playing unreal tournament on a console going from mouse to anolog sticks but i just cant afford the thousands of dollars needed to upgrade properly( and semi-often) and i doubt most people can. If i was rich and could spend money like water like some of you guys then sure pc would be great but most of us dont have those kind of resources. And now with the next gen situation there arent many advantages to pc over console besides 100% percent free online play ( usually..which is also offset by how much it cost to have a high end upgraded pc not to mention that the $5 per month for xbox live is worth it anyway for the organization and ease of finding games and getting required or optional downlaods) and the slighty better percision of the mouse for 1st person shooters. Soon the consoles will be entering the mod community world too and i hope that its in time for unreal tournament cus that was one of the best parts of unreal is that you could play it for years cus there were always fresh user created maps being added. I'll just get used to analog sticks and if neccesary ill get a keyboard/mouse attachment for my xbox which will cost far less than upgrading my pc.
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