Happy Holidays Boy, Girls, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Just a quick blog to spread the "Holiday" cheer and hope everyone had a good Christmas and an incoming New Year. No new games for me, but I'm still Starcrafting with the occasional CoD MW3. I hope everyone that did get games for presents are enjoying them be it Skyrim, Star Wars The Old Republic, Zelda Skyward Sword or any of the other major titles. Play to your hearts content before the new year rolls around. On a side note I finally hit Masters in Starcraft 2 Season 5 in 1v1s. I want to say to anyone trying to move up in divisions be it bronze, silver, gold, plat, diamond etc. Just keep playing and don't let the losses ever bother you. Enjoy the game and you'll get there.
So many awesome things happened in 2011 and for me mainly the growth of E-Sports. I hope that it continues to grow and or definitely sustains, because it's pretty entertaining to me and I'm sure to many others. I myself hope to be a help and a force in eSports next year. It'll be a goal of mine to try to reach out to the community here to grow the passion for eSports. My primary expertise would be Starcraft II, but will hope to try to bring more knowledge about other games currently in eSports. I know the Fighting Game Community and eSports community aren't in sync yet but I hope that barrier gets broken too. It would be awesome to see UMVC3 at MLG #just sayin. Anyways, enjoy the rest of 2011 and may 2012 be another great year for games and gamers all around.