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With this new generation of consoles, it shows that graphics have come a long way but still have much farther to go. What I am talking about here is the pervasiveness of making everything shiny. You get shiny cloth, shiny grass, shiny concret, shiny metal (that actuall makes sense), shiny wood. It is like everything was recently hosed down with water, soaking in oil, or coated with some polyurethane. Very few things in the real world throw off that much shine and it would go a long way making a game look better just to tone down the shiny effect.
On a side note. I finally saw Perfect Dark Zero in action and I must say that it took gameplay mechanics back 10 years. Wow, this is really showing the power of the brand new system. I can't jump and the dude's armor falls off his chest as I shoot him in the leg. Oh Great!