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As the world Turns and XBOX 360

Well, I went to Maine this past week, ate a crapload of awesome lobster, and now I'm back a new man.

And witha New System.


Gamertag: Jerfish

SO many of my friends had a 360 and have been egging me to get one so we can do Rainbow Six vegas online. Well, it happened.

And I like it.

Now a whole new gaming world has been opened. XBOX live is really easy to use for online. Plus the demos and whatnot.

Still have My Wii.

Time to sell Pokemon. Got bored with it after 20hrs of playing. Time to move on.

Anticipating Halo 3, SSB Brawl, Metroid PRime 3, would like to get Forza 2 and possibly Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

Ah, no time for so much fun.

That is all.