So F'n busy....Yeah, I missed the OGU Diablo2 time on wed. I managed only 20 min of Doom 3 before it was off to a retirement party and then Lost for the 2nd half of the season premiere (reruns at 10:00 on wed.) I even had to get on GS at 11:30 last night instead of my usual time wasting at work during the day.
As for the continued journey through the Star Wars Expanded Universe, the next couple books I have already read, so I'm just gonna skim em and get onto the next new book for me.
- Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter - This book was rad if you like the Sith, the background story behind the sith, or the fight between the Sith and the Jedi. Part of the book is actually told from Darth Maul's point of view and he talks about the different fighting techiniques he uses, including his abilities with the force. One very cool point was him using the force and his skills to survive a 30 meter fall from an exploding speeder bike platform to the streets of Coruscant. Light saber battles, and another chance for the Jedi to realize the Sith are back before the Phantom Menance...if Darth Maul doesn't stop the people who have found out about him...Also included in the book is...
- Darth Maul: Saboteur - This short story follows more of Darth Mauls first missions, including helping Sideous set up the plans that will bring the Trade Federation under his control so that he can begin the downfall of the Jedi. He pits two sides against one another, the best part (aside from his lightsaber skills) has to be when he force chokes one of the people he betrays.
- Cloak of Deception - edit: I thought maybe I hadn't read CoD, but I have. Its a pretty good story about how Palpatine is not only sending his pupil Darth Maul out on missions, but he also destroying the senate from within and screwing everyone over. Really good lead up to...
- the Phantom Menace - Everyone has seen the movie. Imagine seeing the story with hearing or seeing Jar Jar. Because in the book he is only someone you don't like, but you don't actually dispise him like when you see him and hear him. The book is the first in 3 good movie novels. Really good Author (Terry Brooks) and really interesting story, even if you've already seen the movie. Now its on to the books between Ep 1 and Ep 2...
edit: Man, after signing in on the new roll call for the Movie/TV board, and visiting some boards today, I had to drop a few off my favorites. Including the Halo 2 union board. I'll stay in the union for updates, but thousands of badly spelled and punctuated posts about the same crap someone else brought up last week...thats how the little kids get a bad rap on GS.