had an offer from a co-worker's son to buy used games, and finally got off my backside and sold 13 games at a reasonable price in between trade-in and ebay since I continue to not find the time to sell used games (or go back and finish them). It was time though since not only do I have GTA chinatown wars, but I got the gift of a couple mario games at birthday time this summer as well as buying the next layton game on the DS, and I have plenty to do when traveling for away tournaments (I still coach which kills my time at the gaming console).
But the real plus side is that I put a dent in the time I think I need to finish some games and made some time and money available to get a disc of arcade games, GH5, send away for GH Van Halen, borrowed GH Smash Hits, plus just picked up Halo 3 ODST. Between those, some more achievements on Halo 3 I forgot to get, and the songs yet to play on the bevy of other rock games, I am going to be busy busy.
plus i finally figured out how to get my DS online (had to switch my home network security settings and then update the computer, laptop and the xbox) so I got some extra puzzles for Layton and some cool stuff for GTA Chinatown wars.
p.s., if you like puzzles at all, Professor Layton 1 and 2 are great games. But don't forget to bookmark a hint guide on your computer. You might need it.