"Someone dropped the dime on me"
(but luckily they are short with an inferiority complex, so it only hit my shoe.)
I assume the complex exists because of the need to report me for ripping on Ty whats-his-face from american idol. The description was two innocent words, which when strung together formed a less then hetro picture of your favorite future surreal life star. Whoever you are, I hope those points push you over the top in the voting for pansy of the year. Glad I could help. If you feel like owning up (which would go against your mantra of "pansy") I would be happy to provide some further moddable insults, this time directed towards you...
double entry today since I didn't check my email from Jeykll to see that he in fact had not ratted me out. Went something like this...Email title: "Modded, Oh the shame."
- Gamespot- One or more of your posted messages from the topic "Stupid ABC!" has been deleted by an admin or moderator for a terms of service violation. You lost points for this moderation.
- Me- So do you like Ty, or was the comment just a little too much?
- Jeykll- Wasn't me. I don't dime on friends, only strangers.
- Me- next journal entry..."Someone dropped the dime on me"
and because ebay is the devil, I just bought Jade Empire and Time Splitters Future Perfect. I'm gonna have to start taking my dvd players and xbox to weddings so I can play in the hotel room after everyone passes out if I ever want to play all these games...