erikgus / Member

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Violence RANT and KOTOR 2 and Fable and Jade Empire...

Yesterday: Tax in Cowlitz County (WA) is 7.6%, i think even increased to 7.7% lately to battle "the meth epidemic" around here. Thats like $40 bucks on the $500 I would expect to spend on the 360. And that is suck, as they say.

FOR EVERY STUDY DONE, SOMEONE ELSE COULD "DO" A STUDY THAT SAYS THE OPPOSITE. Everytime I hear about some study, I give it about as much credit as if this info was reported in the National Enquirer. To kind of quote Lewis Black, comdedian, "How many years ago was it that we were all told to drink milk all day to be healthy, and now they say to drink water and not milk. AND now they are saying maybe we are drinking too much water." Well you can take your "study" and shove it up your biast a**! Those health studies are supported by companies that sell water, who are in turn supported by the companies that ruined the water supply in the first place. I bet if farmers were still in control, we would all be drinking bottled milk all the time and not water. And if Coke or Phillip Morris or GMC made video games, there would be plenty of studies to show how games don't make kids violent...

and I got to play some serious KOTOR 2 the last couple days. I am past the prolouge where you start as an astro-droid tyring to keep the ship in one piece for an emergency landing. Then you switch off between your character and the droid trying to get off Peragus mining station and through your old ship to get back to the Ebon Hawk, persued by Sith. Then off to Telos orbit station, then Telos, and then off to find some hidden Jedi (did you really think you were the last???). So I chose Nar Shadda first, and will hopefully wipe out some sith and bounty hunters tonight as the planet is apparently crawling with them and I am going light side. This game is good so far, with my only complaint still being loading times and the feeling of "too many choices and upgrades." (getting complicated to track everything with out a guide)

I also got Fable in the mail, and am trying to buy Jade Empire since I am absolutley hooked on RPG again. Oh well. I hope my wife doesn't realize how late I am staying up...