Well considering if you actually did play the game past the first five minutes (which I seriously doubt you did) you would know that there's a bonfire about 2 minutes before the boss whenever you get to one with a few exceptions. In other words, you're dumb lol
does anybody know where to get the item leftovers? or can someone trade me a pokemon with the item leftovers on it? i can trade baby eevee, charmander, mudkip, or volt tackle pichu for it.
quick question everyone. would a sassy nature umbreon be effective in battle? its nature gives it plus 10% sp def and minus 10% spd. or i can wait a couple of days to TRY to get an umbreon with a calm nature which has +10% sp def and -10% atk
hi again everyone. question would sassy nature umbreon be good? its plus 10% sp def and minus 10% spd. or i can wait a couple of more days and TRY to get a calm nature umbreon which has plus 10% sp def and minus 10% atk. answer quick eevee going to evolve soon
i would very much like a torcoal. wat do u want for it. i have a billion pichus that all use volt tackle. want one of those? ill trade u one of those. wats ur code?
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