• ermacos’s Activity
  • ermacos posted a message on the post Mandalorian Actor Bill Burr Defends Fired Co-Star Gina Carano.

    @ermacos: Christianity never mend to praise Yahweh or Sabaoth, this are Jewish implementations 400 years AFTER CHRIST. People today are heavily deceived. Before 396ac Yahbeh and Sabaoth was considered...

  • ermacos posted a message on the post Mandalorian Actor Bill Burr Defends Fired Co-Star Gina Carano.

    @ermacos: Kronean/Kronos or Saturnian = Babylonian beliefs for your understanding . SATurn, SAT in Egypt, SATan in today Christianity. It is the same thing.

  • ermacos posted a message on the post Mandalorian Actor Bill Burr Defends Fired Co-Star Gina Carano.

    @mwewerka: Google the list of victims, the numbers by ethnicity, global data.. The number I gave is accurate about the Jewish overall 5-6m, all the rest was from other countries/beliefs/ethnicities.Pl...

  • ermacos posted a message on the post Report - New Nintendo Switch Models Are Now In Production.

    I started with Nintendo since 80s with gameboy and in my experience, Nintendo is always working in new hardware, but not as a refresh of its current generation and nearly the end of switch cycle. Nint...