Ok .i do't know how my comp is alive but it was revived:D i'm very happy god bless the guy that revived it. i no have to go to the internet cafe that is great so i will celebrate with this .
now i get to the topic i' get some info about avatar soo let go. they are speculations
- this will be the first time that azula will be in a battel since the final of season 2
- teo, haru, haru's father , hippo, the boulder, the jet's ganng and the waterbenders of the swanp will be will be part of the invation forces
- iroh will runaway from the jail
- is posiblel that toph will be capturate by the fire nation
- appa will get an armor
- the ganng will deicover that Jet is dead
In other news the new fire emblem game ''fire emblem radiant dawn'' i have some screenshot because this game is perfect yeea look this please
this is the box of the game
these are the character of this game new charactes and old character will be in this game i have pic and screenshot of this . my firen of gomespot will be get crazy
great character yeaaa it is for the wiii know the screen shot of this game that are wonderfullll
OK this is good screenshot ok this is fom my favorite cousin that tody is his happy birthday happy bithday for you..
Yes tody in panama we are celebriting the day of the independence shout yeaa this is one of the surprise of november:) :lol: this is the longest blog post i had made thanks for read have a good day:)