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Currancy, Pizza and GS UK

So I'm bored out of my mind, it's been a LONG week of vacation:P going back to work tomorrow, looking forwards to that:)

so anyways currancy, pizza and GS:P

I bought some MWU T-shirts today and I noticed the current value of the USD:P s***ty as it is:lol: the exchange rate (USD/NOK) is at 1/5.14 atm which is actually up a couple of points since this morning:P and what that transelates into is pretty much freebies from the US:lol:

let's put some perspective on it, 1/5.14 can be transelated into 1 VDG = 4 Pizzas or 8 1.5L Coke (steam VDG prices). now that might not seem like much, but considering the fact that a retail game here costs approx. a hundred USD, meaning you could get 50 pizzas or 100 1.5L bottles of coke for the price of one retail VDG.... that's just sick:o (I know my maths are a little of here, but we're talking approx. prices:P)

Now imagine this.... the USD/NOK hits 1/1..... that would be AWESOME, atleast in the short term:| but taking into account that it would mean the total collapse of the US economy and way of life.... it wouldn't be all that great:|

okay, so anyways bottom line is I would like to know how the s***ty dollar rate is affecting you guys, not only the US peeps but the rest of you guys aswell:)

okay, onto other stuff:)

The GS guys over in the UK got a show of their own similar to On the Spot, check it out:D



Here's the DoW2 preview..... :hush: don't tell the mods:P

and some more details about the 40k MMO :D