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eternalxboxfan Blog

Microsoft to claim victory

I always somehow knew it to be true, but after the recent announcement of the delayed UK launch and the very small numbers shipped to the US and Japan, I know it to be pretty much positive. There is no way the PS3 will be able to compete as the 360 will have huge hits like Gears of War, Too Human, Mass Effect, Forza 2 and possibly even Halo 3. This huge library of games coupled with a faithful and unrivaled online gaming community and the unbeatably low price all combine to make the console that the consumer will most likey buy. MS has pretty much every part of the battle field covered, before Sony has even arrived.

My first blog

Whatsup guys? Its my first blog and I dont know what to really talk about, so Ill speak my mind. And whats on my mind right now? November 12th is on my mind right now, and how if its a school day Im gonna skip school and be at Gamestop as soon as the doors open to buy my nice and shiny new copy of Gears of War! Oh, also if any of you have xbox live please feel free to send me a friend request, Im always up for some GRAW or PDZ or PGR3 or somethin'. Gamertag: Lord Hellsfire