Ever since I was a small kid I loved movies. Over the past few years I have seen more movies that I have ever seen in the past ever. Recently (like just today) I rented Gran Torino its was a overall good movie but the ending was stupid. So considering that I'm too lazy to go out and buy DVDs I go to this one site called Watch-movies.net, if you are interested there will be a link at the end of the blog. The Book of Eli comes outTues. and I'm going to go buy, the only reason behind this is because the "free" version on that site sucks :P Recently I saw Shaun of the Dead (for the 30,000,000,000 time ever) on Comedy Central and realized that they cut so much off of the TV version of that movie and I have no idea why it wasn't even a bad part, the two parts were when Ed and Shaun are comeing up with a plan and when they are singing after going to the pub.
Anyways I'm pretty sure you tired of hearing.... listing..... reading... seeing me ramble on about movies so heres your damned link you Vultures! :P