Personally when i saw the price drop of the ps3 i thought cool i might get one then when i found out that they had taken away some of the hardware that was inside i thought to my self it not a big enough price drop for the ps3 to sell many consoles to the causal gamer !
Some fan boys might argue that the ps3is much better console in terms of power and may be it is ! but this wont matter a god dam thing to the causal gamer or young family who are looking at buying a next gen console at Christmas and the wii figures has proved this ! When they look to buy a 360 or a ps3 most of them will go for the 360 because of it cheaper price and the way Microsoft have build up hype for there games, nearly everyone i know has heard of halo 3 but when i ask them have they heard anything about mgs4 they all shake there heads , marketing for the ps3 games are nearly non existence or any of its services!
If sony really wanted to sell many consoles they would have been marketing there console a lot more and helping to build up the hype of mgs4 to get people excited about the ps3!
Also I think they should of made the 40 gb ps3 around what the Premium360 is and the 60 or 80 gb ps3 around 300 quid and maybe they should of kept the 20gb ps3 and made that really cheap !
Also one more thing why have they taken away the ps3 albity to play ps2 games on the cheaper version?
Since the people who would be buying it would have huge amounts of ps2 games.
I know that my spelling is not great or my gammer!
ethomp02 Blog
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