I've also created mini-bosses and bosses for most of my items. I loved how the Ball and Chain was won from the mini-boss battle so I've incorporated that into each item. Magic Rope - Mini-boss = Gaia Merger - http://artpad.art.com/?k8v0s41esi8g Protector of the Gaia Temples secrets and wielder of the Magic rope. Landscape: http://artpad.art.com/?k8uyv5esizk A large, open ceiling room. The battle will take place at night . Tall trees surround the perimeter with torches scattered evenly stuck in holes in the trees. There is a large, flat stone resting in the middle. Pebble, shrubs, and patches of grass litter the open spaces. A small rivulet also circles the room between the Stone and the perimeter. Entrance: You see the Magic rope slithering snake-like through tall grass towards a large, flat stone set in the middle of the room. It begins circling around the rock at a faster and faster , glowing brighter as it does so. The screen flashes . When the light fades, you see that the tall grass and the stone have fused, creating a helicopter -like platform. The Legendary Gaia Merger stands atop it, holding the magic rope like a whip, ready for battle. Battle: The battle starts with the Gaia Merger Flying in circles around the room. As he does this, he whips up pebbles off the ground and flings them at you. You must dodge them and attempt to shoot him off his platform. He will fall after two arrows hit him, one after the other( one makes him loose balance, the other knocks him off). Hit him with the sword at this time but be warned, he is no sitting duck. He will recover quickly and fight you on the ground like one of the warrior skeletons from other Zelda games (can't remember there name) until you hit him twice. He will then call back his platform and begin riding around again, this time, tossing stones and whipping at the rivulet, giving his whip ice abilities and summoning homing ice spikes. He will also fuse the rope with rocks to create a floating shield in front of him. Hit him Three times sequentially ( One for the shield, two for his balance ) The third arrow will make him lose control of the platform and crash into one of the torches, creating a wild fire in the forest! He will let out a howl and immediately summon his platform. Now he's pissed. Thunder roars through the sky as the ashes from the burning forest fall around you. He will also move a bit quicker Not only will he summon a rock shield and summon ice spikes but he's done throwing pebbles. He will either begin whirling his whip above his head and fuse it with the lightning or whirl It to his side and fuse it with the surrounding fire, alternating randomly between the two. With the lightning element, he will cast down a quick bolt of lightning that will split into three smaller bolts when it slams into the ground. When fused with the fire, he will shower the room with fire balls that will set you and patches of grass on fire. To finally destroy him, you need to hit him four times sequentially( one his shield, two his balance, three he will fall and grab for the ledge of his platform and dangle helplessly , the forth will pierce his chest and send him falling. He hits the ground hard and his platform un-fuses above him. He begins crawling toward you with the Magic Rope clutched in his extended hand, almost as though saying " you've bested me now its power is yours", but is crushed beneath his platform, hand with the Rope still extended. Magic Rope - Boss = Geo Rova - http://artpad.art.com/?k9b62c809gw The great beast of Gaia Temple and final layer of protection to its secrets. With its six legs, three tails, and two heads as well as being a master of fire and ice, it is quite and intimidating opponent. It is said to have been created by powerful twin witches in ancient times. Landscape: http://artpad.art.com/?k9b7ysc326w The battle takes place In the same room as the fight with the Gaia Merger. The landscape is in ruins as a result of the fire and trauma of the last battle. Charred branches overhang the field. Moonlight and stars light the landscape. Puddles of the from the dried up rivulet and pebbles are sprinkled about. The fragile ground cracks and crumbles beneath the weight of Geo Rova. Entrance: Link returns to the clearing with the Gaia Temples secret, unknowing of the Temples final defenses. He stops, looking around cautiously as he hears the cracking of dead branches above him. He looks up just in time and rolls out of the way as Geo Rova pounces in the spot he just was. Link spins around in preparation for another attack. The beast stares at him as though in recognition then lets out a fierce howl as the other head breaths fire into the air. Battle: When the battle starts, Geo Rova will scurry into the trees, climbing and jumping around, spider like and agile on the trees surrounding the battlefield. As it weaves in and out of the trees and jumps from branch to branch, it will shoot fire and ice balls at you . If you shoot arrows at it, it will swat them away with its tails. The trick is to predict where it will land as it leaps between branches and take out the branch just before it lands. It will miss the tree and tumble violently down to the ground, knocking large branches loose. The branch will plunge into the earth and stick upward. When it hit's the ground its you chance to use the Magic Rope. You now have to fuse its limbs together by targeting two with the Magic Rope to limit its abilities. Depending on what you fuse , the battle will play out differently. If you fuse two legs together, it will not be able to climb the trees due to its now awkward five legs. If you fuse its tails, its defenses will be lowered. If you fuse its heads, it will not have fire or ice breath but now breath a blinding fog, making it harder to hit it but now it can't attack you from the trees. I'll split this up so its not so confusing although it probably still will be. The number represents what is fused first, and the letter with that number is the second fusion after that one. 1. Fused legs: The battle is now taken to the ground. It will run with four legs and tuck its other leg beneath it. It is very quick running on four legs on the ground so its very hard to hit with you bow. Even it you do hit it, it will fling away the arrow with its tails just as before. As it runs around, it will still shoot fire and ice balls as well as periodically try to pounce on you. Occasionally after the pounce attack, it will attack with its tails. It will either swipe them horizontally which can be dodged by doing a back flip at the right time, or it will swipe toward the ground , one after the other with its tails. This can be dodged with well timed rolls. In order to damage it, you must use the Magic Rope again. This time you must use the fallen branches and tie the Rope to both ends just as the beast comes to them. It will trip and run into a tree. When its down, its you chance to fuse more limbs together. If you fuse its legs again, it will use its fifth leg now and you have just wasted you time. If you fuse its heads , it will breath fog, if you fuse its tails, it'll have no defense. 1a. Legs and head . Its attacks will be harder to dodge but no fire and ice. Trip once more and it will run into a tree, knock it down and be crushed beneath it. In order to trip it this time, you must shoot and arrow just as it approaches the rope, to distract it. 1b. Legs and tail. Its attacks are limited to one swipe, pounce and breath, It will be faster due to the lose in weight without its tails. This will make tripping it harder. You defeat it the same as in 1a. Minus the arrow. 2. Fused Head. It will still climb but will be harder to see. It will now try to pounce on you and crush you with its tails, then leap back into the trees. Shoot the branches under him again. He will fall, knocking down more branches You can now fuse more limbs. 2a. Head and tail. It will climb in fog and have the same attacks as before but the tail attacks are easier to dodge. When it falls this time, it will attempt to catch itself with its tails but fails and falls onto a protruding branch on the ground. (yes I know too violent for a Zelda but im getting tired of typing and am running out of ideas) 2b. Head and Legs. See 1a 3. Fused Tail. It can no longer block your arrows but moves much faster without its tails. It will still shoot fire and ice but also pounce and attack with its tail. You can either take him out with arrows( It will take 16) or knock him down again and fuse more limbs. 3a. Tail and head. See 2b. 3b. Tail and legs. See 1b. As Geo Rova dies, it will roar and its body will dissolve producing a cloud of blue and red magic dust. Two large ball of magic energy ( one blue, the other red) fly out of the dust and into the sky, and seem to laugh as they fly away. I know that will confuse some people. I think Epona should get horse shoes that make her/him turn into a unicorn. Also, if she could swim with maybe some kinda Zora related sea horse main( Fins coming out of her main and gils) that would be cool. The Legend of Zelda: Union of Sinews might work as a title. The Union part of the title reflects back to the combining of weapons and also the parts of the Tricorce.Sinews refers to using the strenths of many to overcome a greater power. Hope that sounds as good to you as it does to me! Here is another idea: The Legend of Zelda: The Circuitry of Malignance The game would take place in the distant future. And revolve around the true creation of the Master Sword and the Triforce. The sword is really a highly advanced time machine and the Triforce is simply a group of nanobots glowing beneath the ancestors hands. Each of the Triforce pieces are parts of a program that would create an ultimate biomechanical life form with immense strength intelligence and sharpened senses when injected in a single person. Unfortunately the three scientists all had different ideas of how the power would be used. Gannon then steals a time machine that is not fully tested and crashes in the past. In the future, Link and Zelda must go through a virtual gauntlet( Dungeons) in order to obtain the Master Sword , which Link's Grandfather created but sealed away to prevent its misuse. When Link and Zelda finally reach The Sword, they find that Links nanobots are the Key to using it. The nanobots are passed on from generation to generation. . . . Um yeah that's all I feel like typing now. I could probably flesh it out so it makes more sense but its probably not worth the effort. In any case I think a futuristic Zelda would be interesting. I'd love to see how they would incorporate magic and dungeons in it in a way that doesn't feel out of place.
Honestly If the setting is to stay the same I think the focus should be placed on what truly makes Zelda, Zelda: The gadgets. I think this is the main attraction in Zelda games. One thing that has been discussed before is a weapon combination system. I love this Idea. I remember in links awakening being able to use bomb arrows and the boomerang/rooster combo was awesome. Here are some Ideas and what I think should be fixed with older weapons : Sling Shot- My problem: Like many, I found it to be useless after acquiring the next projectile weapon. Ideas: I noticed that you could use pumpkin or deku seeds as ammunition but the results were the same no matter which you collected (as far as I noticed).This got me thinking what if you could use different ammunition such as food (Could be used like scent seeds in Oracle of Seasons .An idea about bow hunting Twilight creatures in a side quest also popped into my head at this point.) or smoke bombs (Confuse enemies for sneak attacks). Gale Boomerang- My problem: None ( That I can think of now) Ideas: I was messing around with the boomerang and decided to try the old boomerang and cucco trick from Links Awakening. To my disappointment, it did not work. I Thought it would have made sense with the boomerangs new wind abilities. It would have been cool though. Bombs- My problem: None ( That I can think of now) Ideas: When I discovered there was no bomchu bowling( or bombchus period, unless you count bomblings) I was a bit sad. With my mind on bowling, I thought about just rolling regular bombs. It could be used to maybe roll around objects to unsuspecting enemies or for puzzles. Bow-My problem: None ( That I can think of now) Ideas: With bombs and arrow why not have something like rope and arrows? You see a platform far across a pit with a treasure chest on it but don't have a clawshot. So what do you do? Use the bow and rope combo to slide down the rope. It seems cool to me. Elemental arrows would have been cool too. Clawshot(s)-My problem: These are one of my favorite weapons but what happened to grappling ladders, trees, and treasure chests like Oot? Ideas: As cool as zipping from wall to wall is, it eventually gets old. To add another layer to the clawshot, I think it should not automatically launch you to where you shot but allow you to remain linked to the object. Think about it. It could be used in puzzles to pull boxes (or other objects) from afar as though it were a chain, or in combat to . . .trip enemies! Just use the new and improved slingshot to launch a piece of meat across the room to lure a monster. Then latch the clawshot to a wall across the path to the meat, and when the monster runs for it, pull the chain tight. Now imagine the possibilities of two of these! Iron Boots- My problem: None ( That I can think of now) Ideas: boot stomp attack? Just leap from a high place and epuip the Iron Boots to crush an enemy. Ball and Chain- My problem: None, though it would have been cool to have it react to the magnets in the goron dungeon and for it to drag you down in water. Ideas: Rock climbing, Zelda style! Just drop the ball at the edge of a cliff for an anchor and lower yourself to the ground. Also using it as a cannonball would be cool (and hilarious with link being carried off with it) Spinner-My problem: Its awesome. . .until you leave the dungeon. It slows too quickly, has a really weak attack, and limited use. Ideas: I couldn't really think of anything for this except maybe you could spin in place to dig holes or if there was a slot in the bottom, you could combine it with the Gale Boomerang to create a small hovercraft since it can't float over water. Magic Rope: http://artpad.art.com/?k4qqdm1ge1lw As I mentioned before, I love the Idea of combining weapons. Rope is good for tying things together so I would use this as a core Item. Since its magic, it can tie almost anything together! Besides its use in combos It could be used to sling shot Link across gaps. It is also indestructible so it could take on elemental powers like fire, ice, and electric. Power Gauntlet: http://artpad.art.com/?k4qrigo0glo A Guantlet that can be powered up by magical stones found around Hyrule. Strenth gem will be like power braclets and climb stones( so original) will enable you to climb up most walls. Can't think of any other powers. Can be combined with Magic rope to create Magic Hookshot ! Feel free to add to it. Life Rod: http://artpad.art.com/?k4qsb1bdj20 An expansion on the Dominion Rod. It can bring many inanimate objects around hyrule. In my painting is the live forms of some objects commonly found in most Zeldas. Rocks can take 3 forms,: bug, which homes in on a selected enemy and self-destructs , toads , which may drill attack an enemy, or through a wall, or golem, which can attack, punch through walls or carry you. You can will also be able to control grass patches, which act as traps on the ground . A stronger rod will make the grass reach for the enemy and the strongest will create a grass snake that will follow and ensnare the enemy. If you don't need your creation you can re-absorb its life-force for half of the magic you used to summon it! Expand on this if you want. Beast Ear: http://artpad.art.com/?k4qt1fmtxqk A fun secret item that allows you to understand most of the beasts around Hyrule! Soul Mask: http://artpad.art.com/?k4sokh1bx5ms Put this mask on a stunned enemy to steal its identity and powers. Upgraded version can copy bosses! Cucco Suite: http://artpad.art.com/?k4sp7q68x58 ( yeah I know, it looks horrible) Allows you to glide, walk on unsteady floors, and talk to cuccos! Is vulnerable to fire. Can be upgraded to Golden Cucco Suite, which can glide much further and is resistant to fire. Soul Charmer: http://artpad.art.com/?k4ss57zorgs Temporarily control a monster. Magic cost depends on the monsters size. Everfrost Spear: http://artpad.art.com/?k51ayg1na3mg A magical spear as cold as Gannons heart. It's said to be made of ice that will never melt. Capable of deadly thrust attacks and can also be spun to deflect projectiles. It has the ability to temporarily freeze small bodies of water and enemies when charged. Can also be used to pole-vault over gaps . Kinetic Brush: http://artpad.art.com/?k51c7hechd4 A brush that can paint worm holes on any flat surface. These portal can be used to transport items enemies or any other thing that will fit in them. You can adjust the size of the hole but the larger the hole the higher the magic cost. Echo Phone: http://artpad.art.com/?k51dex1g8y9w A strange living instrument that is able to replicate any sound. It can't do it on is own so it must choose its wielder. When its equipped, a icon will pop up when a voice or sound is record able . Press the button at the right time to record the sound. Once you do that, you can play this sound anytime. Now you may be thinking this is just another toy to mess around with, but its not. With recorded sounds you can solve puzzles, inflict status( sleep{ Zelda lullaby}, stunned{ Redead}, and scared{ Poe}), and attack( maybe from a mandragora-like enemy). Here is an example of a puzzle: A warrior is talking about having a dream a mystical creature that most people say does not exist. You have tried to battle this creature but are not powerful enough. If you record the creatures voice and play it for the warrior, he will realize his dream was a prophecy and he will help you fight the creature! Quake Jewels: http://artpad.art.com/?k51fw1jexvs Twin jewels that can be put in the Power Guantlets( see previous posts) that allow you to throw powerful punches as well as give you added agility. If you charge the Quake Jewels, you can launch a tremor across the ground when locked on to a distant enemy or do an bone breaking uppercut at a close enemy. When locked on to an enemy, you can flick left or right to parry. When the enemy loses its balance, press the button to do a strong counter punch. If you equip Pegasus boots with them, you will kick and punch and your tremor becomes a cyclone wave that can attack airborne enemies. Item Finder A ring that shows where and what items are. If there are hearts buried , the ring will glow as will the location of the heart. Each type of item glows a different color: Heart, red, Rupee, blue, Magic, green, Arrow, brown, and Bomb, black. This can help you in a dire situation or save the time it takes to find them yourself. Wand of Gamelon: http://www.videogamesprites.net/Zelda1/Enemies/ Turns enemies into there 2d model. Jumpman boots: Looks like Mario's shoe. Allows you to jump off of enemies heads, and causes a little damage. Space Jumpers: Looks like Samus' shoe An upgraded version of the Jumpman boots. They maintain all of there abilities and allow you to jump once on air( double jump) Good for crossing a larger gap. Also enables the Screw attack( a more powerful jump attack. You jump and do a couple of flips, damaging all you touch, and land with a shockwave) Well that's all I've got hope you liked these.
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