Don't know how long my PS move charged for the first time. I just fell sleep and the charging was done when I woke up. Here is from the official FAQ. Damn 5 hours of charging for the use of 10 hours... "It takes approximately five hours to fully charge a PlayStation Move motion controller (four hours using the charging station). Once fully charged, you can expect at a maximum 10 hours of battery life."
Yes I have got a PS Move, and it has been charging for 6 hours now and still going. I have not heard anyone talk about battery charging and recharging of the Move, including the professional reviewers who seem more interested in displaying their free offer from Sony. Battery charging/recharging is fairly a big issue, isn't it? DualShock requires 2 hours only!
I am looking for a joystick to play with Hawx. I also have PS2 Ace Combat games and PC Flight Simulator X. Anyone can recommend a good joystick that is good and can be used for all the platforms? Much appreciated.
Game series: Metal Gear Solid Grand Theft Auto Final Fantasy Fatal Frame & Silent Hill (No, not Resident Evil. RE 5 is awful...) God of War Shin Megami Tensei Well, many are follow up of PS2.
At the Gamefaqs website, PS1 game saves in the section of "PlayStation PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save" are already PS3 format. Similarly, PS2 game saves in the section of "PlayStation 2 PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save" are already PS3 format. There is no need for conversion. Simply extract the zip file and transfer the game save to your PS3 as mentioned. Hope this helps.
Firstly, make sure the PS1 game save you want to download is from the section of "PlayStation PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save". Secondly, make sure the PS1 game save you want to download is for the same region as your game & console. Thirdly, upload the game save to your PS3 the same way you upload PS3 game saves, i.e. in your USB drive, put the game saves in the folder \PS3\EXPORT\PSV Enjoy.
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