I'd just like to dedicate this blog to the many friends that I've made on Gamespot.
My first "Best Friend" award goes to Nene33 from the Netherlands. Without you I'd still be suck on the home page. :lol: (Let alone the "sign up for Gamespot here" page)
My next award goes to optiow. The man from New Zeland land always there with a comment on something (regardless if it's a stupid topic or not. But hey, that's what buddies talk about right? :lol: )
And for Crimsader from Bulgaria. Although we've only met, I sure do find you a whole lot of fun to hang arround. Your never afraid to step on someones toes and get away with it :)
I would just like to send a big shout out to you all you other guys that have made my Gamespot time enjoyable. It sure has been great (and there's PLENTY of more "As I See It" blogs to come) And honestly, there are no true words to describe the thanks that I could ever repay you guys.
And hereis your award