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What are your goals in life? How to you plan to achieve them? Somewhere in your life, you've probably been asked this. But the other issue at hand is what limitations are on those goals and dreams. For instance; if you see something you want like a Playstation 3, it's going to cost you (in America) $300. So you do the math of how much money you make at your job and divide how much you must save up to obtain the PS3. But once again, there are limitations. For example, with the PS3, your most likely not going to get $300 in one day and expect to get the PS3 on the same day (unless your loaded with money somewhere and you work at a VERY good job making that kind of money) But what about real life? What about our everyday walk? For this there are limitations as well. Now of course there's the matter of things such as food and the like, but what about things such as dreams, such AS relationships? Do these things also have their limitations as well? My answer is yes. How so you may ask? Well lets take a relationship. Now as most of you know I am single, but what I am about to say is from watching many other relationships work/fail. And what I mean is this; you need to know your partners limits as well as your own on where you two feel comfortable as far as hand holding, kissing, etc. etc. And what about dreams? The same applies. You need to know that you're not going to get that job on the 30th floor within a matter of days. That requires hard work and determination. Now before I end this blog, I first need to get out that I'm NOT trying to crush anyone's dreams here. I'm just simply stating what my title is; limitations. So if you have anything else you want to add onto this, be my guest and feel free to do so. Until then, thanks for posting and I love Gamespot:D