He said this; she said that; so-and-so is dating so-and-so; such-and-such broke up with such-and-such.... If you have ever gone through high school let alone are still in it, you have more likely than not have heard these words come across your lips or at least someone you know of. And mind you; this is just a SMALL portion of what you would hear pretty much everyday. But like my topic states... Why do we have drama? What causes us teens to have drama (mainly with relationships mind you) As you have probably already seen, I'mdoing a series of blogs that I like to call "Todays Teens: Behind the Closed Doors" which delves deap into our generation of teenagers and the problems we face everyday. (AndI hope you guys are liking it so far :D) But I digress; lets get back on topic. First off, why is it when we brake up with a girlfriend or boyfriend, you both get mad at eachother for one reason or another and it just becomes an all out war to see who can emotionally break down first? Or how about why is it when we hear of someones problems (ie: girl gets pregnant, best friend is an alcoholic, etc.) We the people who aren't even in the situation in the first place, wana know what's going on with that person? Almost as if we can fix that persons problems. It is very interesting to me once again as I have previously stated in other blogs, of why we even start it in the first place. So if you guys have your own spin on why we have such drama problems (like I stated in my examples) feel free to comment. And thank you a bunch if you do. :D :)
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