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two free album downloads! whoo!!
For those of you who don't know, Torn is an online, text based role-play game about being a criminal in a city full of criminals. it's a new concept, i know. if you're interested, you can play here. in fact, i recommend it. it's awesome.
For those of you who do play, there's a WHOLE new system called honors. they work similar to merits and are crazy confusing because, well, they don't even tell you how you've earned them. i'm here to help you figure out how to get them all.
if you don't play torn, well then i'm sorry. i know gamespot is not torncity and i apologize, but this is MY blog and a place to organize MY ideas.
Default honors are the, you guessed it, default honors that are available to anyone.
I haven't counted them personally but there's supposed to be over 100 countries represented by their flags.
Also, notably, you can chose a Jolly Roger, Gay Pride, USSR, and Default/Standard bar.
Don't under estimate these. a lot of them are pretty cool.
General honors are the honors that don't really fall under one main feature that the site offers.
There are 29 in total, 3 from marriage, 8/9 from attacking, 1 from property, 5/6 from investing, 3 from jobs, 2 from items, 1 from the newspaper, the rest Unknown.
Stay married for 250 days, there's also a medal for this.
Stay married for 750 days, there's also a medal for this.
Stairway To Heaven
Stay married for 1500 days, there's also a medal for this.
Kill Streak 1
Achieve a kill streak of 10, not difficult.
Kill Streak 2
Achieve a kill streak of 100, there's also a medal for this.
Kill Streak 3
Achieve a kill streak of 500, there's also a medal for this.
Just a personal tip, don't let anyone know you're going for this and attack with stealth ON!
Spray And Pray
Fire 2,500 rounds, machine guns will speed this up and melee weapons will slow this down.
Two Halves Make a Hole
Fire 25,000 rounds, there are a lot of education courses that will slow this down so you might want to get it done early.
If fire 25,000 rounds seems like a lot, it's really just an endurance test. attack enough and you'll get it.
Land 25 critical hits, critical hits being hits to the groin, throat, or head.
Self Defense
Successfullydefend yourself from 50 attacks, there's also a medal for this.
Night Walker
Achieve 100 successful stealth attacks, which, as long as stealth mode is on, includes wins, loses, and runaways.
LuxuryReal Estate
Buy a Private Island or upgrade an all ready owned one. A private island is $500,000,000.
Put over $100,000,000 worth in stocks for sale on the stock market. It doesn't have to sell and you can take it off the market.
It's worth noting that some people aren't getting it for $100,000,000 exactly, so you might try to add more.
Stock Analyst
Buy over $500,000,000 worth in stocks at one time.
Again, you might want to try for more than $500,000,000 just in case.
Pocket Money
Invest any amount in the bank, literally any amount for any amount of time.
Green Green Grass
Invest a whopping$1,000,000,000 for any amount of time, that's one billion dollars.
Loan Shark
Borrow $500,000 from Tim The Loan Shark, note that this requires you spend 100 points upgrading your max loan first.
Personally, i think this should have been called jumping the shark. but that's just cause i love references.
Another Brick In The Wall
Upgrade your level to level 11 or higher, there's also a medal for every five levels you upgrade to (Level 5, 10, 15, etc).
I'm Watching You
Find 50 items while walking around the city, there's also a medal for this.
If i remember correctly,briefcases count as items but wallets do not? Feel free to correct me.
Lastly, you only have one chance to find an item per hour, so try and click 'City' every hour if possible.
Have one of your newspaper articles published, obviously it's best to have an interesting and relative story as well as good spelling and grammar.
Use 100 army spies, to use an army spy you must join the army and you can use the spy for 10,000 army points and $5000.
Army is a job and hiring a spy is one of the specials. A spy is used to view the stats of other players.
I'm a Real Doctor
Steal 500 medical supplies, to steal medical supplies you must join medical and use medical points to steal supplies.
One small first aid kit is 2,000 medical points, one first aid kit is 4,000 medical points, and one morphine is 7,500 points.
Fun fact: 500 small first aid kits is enough to get you out of the hospital from a xanax overdose, TWICE.
Magical Veins
Use 5,000 medical supplies, there's also a medal for this.
Obviously the fastest way to do this is with small first aid kits, but you'd still need around 100,000 minutes or 1667 hours of hospital time.
I recommend turning revives off in your personal settings and taking advantage of OD's, crime fails, getting attacked, and the holiday towns. you can also have a friend put bounties on you.
Drugs that hospitalize you: Xanax (5000 minutes), Cannabis (310 - 330 minutes), Ketamine (1020 minutes), PCP (999 minutes), Shrooms (100 minutes), Speed (450 minutes)
Crime Failures that result in hospitalization: Armed Robberies[requires primary/secondary gun] *possibly* (7 Nerve: thorough robbery (30 - 45), thorough convenience (30 - 40), swift bank (50 - 250), swift armored car (55 - 90))
Assassination (10 Nerve: assassinate a target (160), car bomb *possibly* (160))
Arson[requires gas can] (11 Nerve: car lot (120 - 210), warehouse (200 - 600), government building *possibly* (405 - 645))
Bombing[requires stick of dynamite] (17 Nerve: bomb a factory (540 - 790))
Florence Nightingale
Believed to be reviving a lot of people, though currently unknown. considering who Florence Nightingale is, i'd say we're on the right track.
Slow Bomb
Drop a dirty bomb. A dirty bomb is a bomb dropped by one faction on another to do massive amounts of damage to their respect.
Unfortunately, it also affects citizens, causing crazy high hospital times that can't be gotten out of.
Fortunately, they're supposed to be hard to come by as they require 100 cesium-137s which can only be randomly found around the city.
Camo honors are honors earned mainly through attacking, but also through hunting in south africa.
There are 14 in total, 11 from attacking and 3 from hunting.
Woodland Camo
Win 5 attacks.
Desert Storm Camo
Win 20 attacks.
Urban Camo
Win 50 attacks, there's also a medal for this.
Arctic Camo
Win 100 attacks.
Fall Camo
Win 250 attacks, there's also a medal for this.
Yellow Camo
Win 500 attacks, there's also a medal for this.
Digital Camo
Win 1000 attacks.
Red Camo
Win 2000 attacks.
Blue Camo
Win an unknown number of attacks. i can only assume it's 5000 attacks.
Orange Camo
Win an unknown number of attacks.
Pink Camo
Win an unknown number of attacks, and achieve maximum 'fab' status.
I should DEFINITELY note that you shouldn't attack all that often because you'll level up too fast, have low stats, and be a punching bag for everyone else. it's important to balance training and attacks.
Zebra Skin
Achieve 50 hunting skill
Leopard Skin
Achieve 75 hunting skill
Tiger Skin
Achieve 100 hunting skill
Tips for hunting: to hunt you have to be level 15 (in order to travel), start out with a bit of money because you start out losing money on your first few tries, it's suggested that you have a laptop in order to check your mail so you don't get lonely, donator status to move things quicker, a job in a 3*+ Zoo or Farm for a boost to hunting skill, the GEN2120 education course for another boost, and maybe high banking merits so you can make money from investments. There's three hunting sessions to chose from, and while it's not the same for everyone, it's suggested you try beginner session until you reach between 25 and 33 skill. Then move up to standard sessions until you get to between 70 and 90 skill. Then it's all advanced from there. Fair warning: getting your hunting skill from 99 to 100 alone takes ages and i suggest maybe stopping after the 75 honor tops.
Weapon honors are awarded for finishing 100 fights with each weapon type. this is the main reason i'm making this guide as there are so many different weapons out there. until i finish, you'll just have to use your best judgement. take a look at what their ammo looks like for an idea.
There are 11 in total, 1 for each weapon type.
Finish 100 fights with a heavy artillery weapons.
Heavy artillery weapons include: Anti-tank, RPG Launcher, Minigun, Flamethrower,
Lend a Hand
Finish 100 fights with a machine gun.
Machine guns include:
2800 F/S
Finish 100 fights with a rifle.
Rifles include: Steyr AUG,M16 A2 Rifle,XM8 Rifle,ArmaLite M-15A4 Rifle,Bushmaster Carbon 15 Type 21s,Enfield SA-80,Swiss Army SG 550,Sks Carbine,Gold Plated AK-47,
Act of Faith
Finish 100 fights with a sub machine gun.
Sub machine guns include:Mp5-Navy,9mm Uzi,Pink Mac-10,
Cartridge Packer
Finish 100 fights with a shotgun.
Shotguns include: Sawed-off shotgun,Benelli M1 Tactical 12 Gauge,Benelli M4 Super,Ithaca 37, Jackhammer, Mag 7.
Yours Says Replica...
Finish 100 fights with a pistol.
Pistols include: Nearly every secondary weapon ever, including the flare gun. The most powerful being theDual 96G Berettas.
Pin Puller
Finish 100 fights with a temporary weapon.
All temporary weapons are labeled as temporary weapons, but because you can only use each one once i suggest picking fights with lower levels and using cheap, effective bricks.
The Stabbist
Finish 100 fights with a piercing weapon.
Piercing weapons include: Macana, pen knife, kitchen knife, dagger, butterfly knife, sai, spear, fine chisel, crossbow,
Finish 100 fights with a slashing weapon.
Slashing weapons include: Anything that looks like a sword. I suggest Kodachi Swords as they're cheap and effective.
Axe Man
Finish 100 fights with a clubbed weapon.
Clubbed weapons include: Basically any melee weapon that isn't sharp. Lead pipe, axe, cricket bat, frying pan.
Finish 100 fights with a mechanical weapon.
Mechanical weapons include: Taser, Chainsaw,
Currently working on figuring out more weapons.
with e3, something i've actually shown no interest in this year, coming to a close, i finally reached level five and the rank of Tapper. this whole leveling up thing is taking longer than it should, but that's what i get for, you know... not being active.
i'm not gonna promise to be more active, but what seems to be happening is i have a small habit and it goes like this;
log on
open flash
turn on gears of war 2
check facebook
draw in flash
log in to torncity
play facebook apps
draw in flash
play a round or two of horde
draw in flash
get on gamespot
draw in flash
i don't do much when i log on. check my blog, look up a game or two, sometimes check on the union. it's not much, but it's enough to get me to level 5. :P
anyway, what i'm saying is now that me and my friends are doing work in flash, maybe i'll be on more. maybe i'll get addicted again and post the crap out of the unions. who knows. only time will tell.
i'm not mad at the Epic Games crew for what happened. it was my fault. i let my friend play my xbox without making sure i exited out of the menus and saved. the same thing would have happened if it was an rpg and i had forgotten to save. i'm just mad in general...
but i'm not here to complain. no, that isn't what i do. instead, i'm here to ask you for your help. i want to get my rank back up, and you better believe i'm not going to lose it this time. i'm going to be playing gears of war 2 non-stop until i am content with how far i got. i'm not even going to sleep until my damn eyes bleed!
were do you come in? well i think you all ready know. please, please, put gears into your xbox for the first time since it came out. i'm willing to bet you need to reach rank 100 for an achievement too. any who helps, even if it's a single round of horde, i will help you with any achievement you need. preferably, a gears of war 2 achievement, but i can help with almost any.
Any achievement that involves boosting
Forza Motorsport, i will give you my cars
I don't even know what all games i can help you with. just ask and we can find out. i'm honestly willing to rent/buy new games at this point. i'm desperate to finally slap a 100% sticker on this game and this was a major kick in the pants.
hell, i'll help you with other stuff too. need someone to sign up from your referral link? do you play other games that you need help/want money in? i'll honestly sign up.
come on, fellas. help a brother out. :[
Yay! i'm a paper boy. :]
in unrelated news, is anyone interested in joining a site that involves getting points for watching videos and buying stuff online (soon also playing games)? you can use the point to get free stuff or get discounts when shopping online? i know they sell xbox and ps3 stuff on the site, so it might be worth at least checking out. if you're interested either comment in the blog or send me a message. please and thank you.
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