Well todays January the 27th and I am broke as ever. It does not seem I will be able to get the games I want coming out these next couple of months. I have begun my hunt for a part time, even a full time job if possible for money. Money makes the world go round is sadly true. I am taking two college classes currently and they are both going strong; pretty easy classes. One is political science and the other interpersonal communications which is just a fancy word for ''Speech''. My cousin who I have played video games with all my life seems to have it made. He has a nice Acura Integra ( go away all you import haters, we love our cars!), as well as a job at Domino's pizza. So not only is he advancing his life; he has a nice car and all the pizza he can eat. That sucker makes me mad! My cousin and I have so many great gaming memories together. They were fun times of carefree laughing and indulgence that were pure. I recall so vividly those times of playing Champions of Norrath days on straight. While on the weekends when others would be out partying, Carl and I would be immersed in our own bedazzling world of fantasy combat and magic. I can't wait for another great multi-player game to come along so we can relive some of those memories. I suppose I can't wait for even the slighest excuse to spend quality time with him; we ge along so well. The next big game that I will be foaming at the mouth to get my hands on is Zelda: The Twilight Princess. I will have to save up diligently , but it will all be worth it when I wrestle with that crisp smelling shrink wrap tearing at it like a ravenous T-rex to get inside the latest adventures of Hyrule. I also enjoy my other best fiend Jeremy. Perhaps we all can go see a movie today, sounds exciting! Some Anthropologists believe we were put onto this earth for the sole purpose of interaction and communication. Too bond making lasting relationships with male as well as females. Anyone will agree that it is true, relationships make this life enduring and more meaningful as my relationship with my girl, Angie.Perhaps that is one reason multi-player games are so fun because of that aspect of interaction with other human beings. Flesh and blood just as yourself who love to dip into that pool of escapist reality through the video game medium. Even if no one reads this blog, I find it very therapeutic just writing down my thoughts and ideas; you should try it as well. I also love philosophy. I subscribe to the views of David Hume, and enjoy the thoughts of Imanuel Kant. I favor empiricism, and believe that the idea of God can neither be proven or disproven as Kant says, yet i lean more towards Humes views towards naturalism, and miracles. I believe that metaphysics should be sliced off and we should deal only with what is before us, that which we can experience from our senses and thus derive true knowledge from. This has changed my views alot in my life and i describe myself more as a believer in God in a pantheistic way as Albert Einstien and baurch spinoza, as well as Kant subscribe too, with a dislike of ogranized religon. I believe as Hume says that the effects of organized religon are dangerous to people. I also believe that morality can live autonmously from religon as both kant and hume agree, and that it is our duty to be moral agents in the world, and that our passions not reason generally overides us to do or act generously for another, yet we need to use reason to form and control a orderly society. We should be moral people not for the sake of a reward of gift, but that being a moral person is imperative and just ''has'' to be done, it is our duty, and we find the rewards of being moral in being moral itself. I believe people should worship God in there own ways and rights without the demands and superstitious devotions that come from organized religion. I believe as kant does that in many ways prayer is merely subjective in many ways. The power of the mind and the nature of how man feels and responds is very powerful indeed. People would worship anything if given the oppurtuiny. I believe we should educate our minds so as to educate our hearts, body and minds. I no nothing in the over all grand scheme of life, nor do i impose upon others, that i do know the meaning of many things. This life is grand, but does God truly ''need' our praise and worship, if he is God. I will end these thoughts here. Let us just not live in fear, for the and hope that many organized religion plays upon is very much at times the fear that impedes us from truly living.
evazeron Blog
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