HI GUYS got a new idea, a new class and species and stuf!
X-nauts!!!!! thay could keep there moon base and have classes lik scientest solder elete, technition ect.
the scientests get level-ups by inventing new potions and selling them to other players, the potions the player could create would increace as the player went up in level, witch would mean you could have invisibility potions at level 100 and temp-fire potions at level 50
for the solders, thay have acess to the armory and traing area, thay could level up and buy wepons,
if your an elete, your in charge of reporting suspicios behavior, vile behavior, ect, like an admin sorta, plus you get unique powers, and discounts
there leader is grodious
level 200 (max)
other than that i think it sould have rpg battle style, wate wate.... OYA the x nauts
thay could also be the technitions for the vehicles in the game other than the toad ones
il add more bios like this later
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