If you're reading this you surely have a pc (at least 90%) . Let's assume that you have a pc from last gen , or just a weak one wich you're using for the internet . The only things you need for it are a motherboard , a graphics card , memory , a cpu and a power supplie. Let's do a list and see what's the final price .
the 9600gt graphics card is around 200$ . An Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 is 120$ . 2gb of memory are 35$ . A motherboard is around 50$ and a power supplie 30$ .
=435$ .
That's almost the price of the ps3 in my country . And you have an almost high-end pc , that will run all games at high details , and will still do it after 2 years . And you have more high quality games , superior controls (and you can always use a gamepad if you don't like it) , rts , wrpgs and fps (genres that distinguishes hardcore gamers from casual gamers ) , you can browse the internet , use photoshop , write your own games , have tons of free games , you can mod your games , flexibility , and many many other things , some that i don't think i can discuss here , that a console can't do .
So why do i see everywhere saying that computers are WAY more expensive than consoles ? And why it's all his flexibility treaten like a disadvantage ? Tell me why should i buy a console , except 10 good exclusives (and half of them will end up on pc ) .
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