Xbox 360: Assassin's Creed, The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Need for Speed ProStreet, Madden NFL 08 PlayStation 3: Grand Theft Auto IV, Burnout Paradise Games that are built from the ground up on the PS3 tend to look better on Sony's console. Look at games like GTA IV, Burnout Paradise, and exclusives like Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank and Metal Gear Solid 4. We'll see some great stuff on PS3, while I think the 360 will reach its full potential when either Gears of War 2, Halo Wars or Fable 2 arrives.
It looks alrighty, but who cares? I mean, it's about the gameplay, you know. But, I have to say, with all that contact with trees and vegetation and all, that's the real thing about Vista, Xbox 360 and PS3. I mean, the Wii is alright, but those games look not so impressive (okay, doesn't really matter) and there is no true next gen thing in it. I just give a simple example: MotorStorm vs. Excite Truck. In MotorStorm a lot of things can break dinamicly, but in Excite Truck almost nothing can break at all. So, Crysis can be a great game, but it only can't get a Editor's Choise Award just by its neat graphics.
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