A while back I wrote a blog about how the PSP wasn't all that great. About a year later I am writing on how great the handheld really is.
I purchased my PSP during Christmas 07 and I have to say I underestimated the handheld. I always said, "I have a Video Ipod, and a Ds, why do I need a PSP?" I realized that it truly is great. I love alot of the games that are out, Since I bought the handheld I have bought about 7 games for it. The graphics are phenomenal for a handheld. Not putting the DS down or anything. Both handhelds have unique features. I Still Love my Ds, I haven't picked it up for a while because I have been obsessed with the PSP, but I still love it. All I want to say is that If you are one of those doubters or Nintendo fanboys, try out the PSP trust me you will like it. I am a game fanboy, not a system fanboy.