the 90s had to be the golden age thats when we saw games that changed the world of gaming forever... doom quake wolfenstein duke nukem quake .... the 90's brought us so much fun and new things... nowadays the industry is so repetitive. I personally love the late 90's the good old chunky 3d models(like quake 1 and 2) ... somehow I think those games were more fun than games nowadays.
Small Guns are big on power. There's no dishonor in investing in Small Guns. Contrary to its diminutive name, the Small Guns class encapsulates high-end killing machines such as the Sniper Rifle, Scoped .44 Magnum, and the Assault Rifle. And because bullets are more common than laser batteries and explosives, you'll generally have more ammo.
Well first off I began playing WoW which consumed alot of my time ^.^ and am currently at lvl 50... but games I have accomplished have been Halo 3 Halo ODST FABLE FABLE II Oblivion (finally got around to playing it) Fallout 3 Dead Space Doom 2(hahaha FINALLY got around it beating it) GTA IV Resident Evil 5 Batman Dark Asylum Dead Rising 2
Duke Nukem 3D has to be one of the unsurpassed FPS games yet. I love Dukes personality and the variety of corky enemies such as the notorious pig cops which is an indication to cops being pigs and also replacing LAPD with LARD, little things like these are all throughout the game and it creates an awe-inspiring experience. It's just a fun pick up and play game, I barely get aggravated with it just because it's so entertaining and amusing. Oh and its soooo much cooler on Xbox 360 Arcade! Check it out. Also Doom and Wolfenstein 3D are great game,s nobody can beat the fun factor of these old skoolers.
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