Hello :)
First of all, I want to say that I will be away as of tomorrow and I will be back on Sunday evening. I will try to deal with any submissions in my queue but please hold off submitting until I've returned. Thanks :D
Oh yeah, for those nosey people, I'll be in London, UK :D
Like last time (ages ago, I know) I will do a little list of stuff I've been watching. This time the movies go first:
This has become one of my favourites, partly because I'm a sucker for romantic comedies (at times) but in this case especially because of Paul Bettany. He really shines in this movie which is very well written and features a great performance by the entire cast. Recommended!
A very 80s underestimated clas sic with an excellent soundtrack. Stand-out song is Phil Oakey's Together in Electric Dreams. It describes itself as a fairytale for computers and even though it's clearly dated with regards to home computer technology, the storyline is as original as it was then.
Truly a cl assic, fun, adventure movie :D Who here hasn't seen it??? (you, probably Dan :P ) Sean Astin long before he became a hobbit was great but it really has an ensemble cast that manages to convey the joys of youth (god, that sounds pathetic LOL )
Another cl assic movie for kids of all ages and a vampire movie before they became fashionable.
Merlin's Apprentice
So obscure apparently that movietome doesn't know it. It's a really, really bad sequel to a successful miniseries :(
As for tv, I post this from tv.com after all ;) I watched, quelle surprise
Quite a successful mini-series also not listed on tv.com or movietome, but of much better quality than its sequel
Chef (all three series :D )
A british comedy about a cook, excuse me, a Chef !! Hilarious, season 2 is my favourite because it has the best support cast !!
The remaining episodes of Drake & Josh Why was this cancelled :( ?
All aired episodes of The Big Bang Theory hilarious and a bit of a Roseanne reunion LOL
Also, the last Kyle XY, the first new Greek and the latest How I Met Your Mother (guest starring miss B. Spears EEK )
Phew, another long overdue, but longish blog to try and make up for that ;)
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