I usually don't complain about Sony's practically free games, but March's lineup is a hot steaming pile of crap! Can we please flush these retro style games down the toilet? It was cute the first few games as a nod to the past, but if I wanted to play 16 bit games or PS1 era I'll go dig them out of my closet....
I am a huge fan of the adventure point & click, id say Maniac Mansion was my first experience to the genre, but some all time favorites, no particular order: Gabriel Knight 1 & 2 (3 was killed by the 3D Direction), Full Throttle, King's Quest Series, The Dig, Leisure Suit Larry Series, Snatcher (Sega CD, not exactly point & click but adventure), Runaway (1st one only, sequel was horrible), and my all time favorite the Longest Journey & Dreamfall.
It is a travesty if the Longest Journey is not made into a movie someday, but has to be done the right way, not your typical video game to movie transition!!!
expiredlastyear's comments