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My gaming family

My family is now a gaming family.

In January, my grandparents (in their late 60's, early 70's) bought the nintendo wii.  pretty cool.

Half an hour ago, my mom bought DDR Universe for the 360, cause she wanted to try it, and LOVES it.

My dad started playing Call of Duty (all of them) and absolutly loves it. he is usually making fun that i love video games but now he bugs me to play on the computer or on my 360.  its cool, cause he buys the games.

My sister likes to play Sims and Harvest Moon all the time.

This is kinda cool, cause now that my parents understand how fun gaming is, they are more willing to buy me stuff or play multiplayer with me.

Ive convinced my mom to get a wii, and now, after i get my dad to enjoy DDR, ill convince him too.