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Top 25

Let's do another favorite 25 list shall we? Except this time let's do top 25 of this current gen considering it's nearing it's twilight years. Unfortunately I have limited experience playing games on the WII and PS3 so this list will be limited to what I've played, but what the hell lol.

1. Fallout 3 (nothing this gen will beat this for me)

2. The Orange Box (4 amazing games for the price of 1? yes please)

3. Gears of War (Actually played this more than any other game this gen, specifically online)

4. Skyrim (Easily the best RPG of this gen)

5. Resident Evil 5 (Not as good as 4 but I still loved it)

6. Super Mario Galaxy (only Mario could make me play without a controller)

7. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

8. Fallout: New Vegas

9. Gears of War 3 (Love the new Horde)

10. God of War 3 (Absolutely stunning)

11. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (One of the most surprisingly awesome games this gen)

12, Halo: Reach

13. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (before COD games were forced down our throats yearly, this was awesome)

14. Batman: Arkham Asylum (I actually enjoyed this more than Arkham city)

15. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

16. Battlefield: Bad Company

17. Batman: Arkham City

18. Saints Row (Like this more than GTA 4, which I thought was good but overrated)

19. Dead Rising (a lousy save system doesn't distract from a great game)

20. Battlefield 3 (Would be higher if it wasn't for the dreadful single player campaign)

21. Red Dead Redemption (Played more of this recently and decided to move it past a few others, also better than GTA)

22. Dead Space (Great survival horror game, the sequel had more shock value but this was the better game)

23. Alan Wake (Great and original, a little short though)

24. Gears of War 2 (decided to move this down the list because I couldn't connect to a game, oh why god why couldn't I connect to a game???) Single player is great though but that's not why I play gears)

25. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Couldn't leave this one off, I loved it despite it's sadistic difficulty)

There are definetly other great games out there not on this list, such as: GTA 4, Dead Space 2, Dead Rising 2, Portal 2, Infamous, 3D Dot Heroes, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy 2 and Shadows of the Damned to name a few but I can't include them all. Well there you have it. Peace.